THE number one goal of at least half the country now is avoiding ANY discomfort about anything at all, at all times. NOTHING can wooge yer buzz! Certainly not the thought that terrorists have no regard for human life at all and won't be swayed by a big group hug!
Splains a lot about the left. From an article at the always awesome Dr. Sanity:
...It is one thing to cherish idealistic beliefs, possess a kindly disposition, and maintain an attitude of humanistic tolerance; it is quite another to project those thoughts and feelings onto people who glorify religious murder and suicide, and then delude yourself into believing that by doing so the impulse to commit such evil acts will disappear.They are like posturing peacocks who strut around acting like they are little gods and goddesses, oblivious to the fact that others perceive them as fools and clowns (Pelosi and Reid come to mind). As for the peacock-in-chief, the broader public have not yet caught onto his tenuous relationship with truth and reality because they are besotted with his rhetoric and they want to believe in his godliness so very much in these troubled times.
At the heart of the denial that afflicts people like (this) is fear. They are afraid to believe that there are people in the world who embrace evil over good and death over life. Like many people in denial, (they) find it far more comforting to believe that everyone is just like him -- basically well intentioned and occasionally misguided. However, (they are) wrong -- just as wrong as wrong can be -- and the whole of human history stands as witness to (this) error. (American Thinker)...
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