I'm with Sarah. The party affiliation comes a distant second to a person's values, respect for the Constitution and their record of action.
It's beyond time to purge the Republican Party of Democrat Lites and self-serving scumbags.
Interesting new poll here:
“Which voice in your party would you most like to mute?”That’s among “political” insiders, i.e. consultants. Among senators and congressmen polled, she finished second behind “no one,” tied with Michele Bachmann and Glenn Beck, among others.
I'd want to "mute" her too if I was one of these dirtbags:
www.rasmussenreports.com conducted a study and printed its results in an article entitled, “Tea Party Tops GOP on Three-Way Generic Ballot.” The phone survey found that if the Tea Party were a formal political party that 23 percent of voters would choose a Tea Party candidate. Republicans would get 18 percent and 22 percent were undecided....
“Among voters not affiliated with either major party, the Tea Party comes out on top. Thirty-three percent (33%) prefer the Tea Party candidate, 30% are undecided. Twenty-five percent (25%) would vote for a Democrat, and just 12% prefer the GOP.
People would rather vote for someone affiliated with a group that is not even an organized political party (yet), rather than a Republican, and for good reason.
The Republican Party needs to wise up and read the 10th amendment or get the hell out of the way.
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