Saturday, December 13, 2008


Yes, yes, the war on terrorism isn't real, it was just cooked up by Bushitler. Only problem with that is that the terrorists have repeatedly stated that they are at WAR with us. Guess they didn't get that memo.

There's some buzz about an interesting article by the Anchoress going around. She argues:

The West loves its court systems, its bureaucracies, its diversities, but jihadists use these tools to further their ends. They will not be legislated, jailed, sued, or celebrated out of existence. Appeasement and the stodgy language of diplomacy will not stop them, either, because “diplomacy” is not the language being spoken in these attacks. The fundamentalists who endorse and commit terror believe they are heaven-bound heroes. First and foremost, they “believe.” Their rhetoric of jihad rides the language of faith.

It is with the language of faith that Islamic terrorism must be engaged and defeated, and therein lies the disconnect for the diplomatic West. Having reasoned itself out of faith, its incomplete arsenal is fit for battle, but not for victory. The West can speak only of borders, boundaries, markets, and measurement. Faith exists beyond boundaries and borders; it defies markets and measurement. The negotiables of the West are worldly and “the world” means nothing in the face of paradise. Islam, like all faith, is not of this world but of the world to come. Islam’s extremists, like all extremists, would like to speed their agenda along.

Emperor Misha adds:

Physical, secular strength is what you bring to the battle to weaken, destroy and defeat your enemy. The strength of faith is what you bring to the battle to strengthen yourself, with “yourself” meaning your side as a whole.

When you remove the unity of shared faith, shared culture and shared history from a society, you create a vacuum within the individuals living in it. Nature abhors a vacuum. That vacuum will soon be filled by “something else”, the “something else” being something that replaces what is gone, the need to feel strong and united, the need to feel powerful and the need to have a spiritual bulwark against the enemies facing you. If you want to find out what happens when such a weakened society is faced with a culture and religion that exudes strength and unity, look no further than to what is going on in Eurabia right now.

People, without their centuries-old proud legacies to bolster their beliefs in their own worth, either cower or even convert to “join the winning side.” They give up the fight or fight less efficiently than they could because they have no banner to flock under, they have no “rock” to anchor themselves to, a rock that unites them all and gives them something worth fighting for as well as something from which they can draw the strength of knowing that there are millions who believe just as they do. The strength from knowing that hundreds of generations that went before are looking at them, judging them by their actions.

Does anybody honestly believe that the first Crusades would have been able to accomplish all they did against the far numerically superior Saracen hordes if they hadn’t had their faith and “Deus Vult” in their backs?

If so, I have a nice bridge in Brooklyn I’d like to sell them for a song.

Technology delivers power, Identity delivers morale, and morale is to sheer numbers as ten to one.

Could we come up with something other than Christianity to deliver that identity, that firm belief that we neither must, nor can lose? Why of course we could if we so desired. Besides, Christianity isn’t all that we in the West share, we have a long history and old culture behind us too (neither of which we’re allowed to be proud of either, according to “progressives”), but when you already have the necessary parts laying around, why go reinventing the wheel?

Especially in the middle of a war. That’s no time to be experimenting.

This is what I have thought for a long time about many of the problems we face. Kids are not allowed their faith (it's ridiculed), belief in their country (its oppressive and hateful), our culture (racist, sexist, etc. etc.) or anything else. What replaces it? The hodgepodge BS religion of fundamentalist leftism is the only thing, and there is nothing there to hold on to. Indeed, in higher education, we are taught deconstructionism and that nothing is "really" true. We are taught nihilism as enlightenment.

Where does one find inner strength? Yoga class and bong hits? What holds us together as a nation? Nothing. Its all an illusion anyhow, right?

Don't you think this might explain the mystical worship of The Obamessiah? There is a vacuum and along comes a man cynical enough to encourage his own worship. Creepy.

I think this is the root of our demise.

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