Sunday, December 14, 2008


Playboy puts The Mother of God on the cover. Many are outraged. But The Anchoress? Not so much. I LOVE this woman:

Is it vulgar and insulting? Sure is. Is it worth my ire? No. And I’ll tell you why.

Because the people responsible for that cover have dissed the wrong guy’s mother, that’s why.

Jesus has big shoulders. He can take what idiots throw his way. But you don’t diss his mother, fool.


Oftentimes people push farthest away from them that thing to which they are most attracted, because they know they are attracted, and that the attraction makes them vulnerable.

People who harbor the illusion that they are completely in control of themselves, their lives and their destinies, will resist an attraction to anything that they know will - upon embracing it - ask them to relinquish that illusion.


Pop culture is DOA, Dead on Arrival, because it floats on a stream, and as Chesterton said,

“A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it. ”

No sense in getting all nuts over that cover. No sense getting nuts over a dead thing.

In my experience, people who go out of their way to disrespect Mary generally get surprised.

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