A reporter had the gall to question the one about the Blago scandal and was lectured and told not to waste his question....his precious, precious question. If he wants to avoid re-education camp in the future, perhaps he should review the Obamessiah's ten commandments and commit them to heart:
I. I am the Lord thy Obama, thou shall not idolize other politicians before me.
II. Thou shalt not take the name of hope and change in vain.
III. Remember to keep holy my inauguration day and not mention the word "Blagojevich."
IV. Thou shalt honor my father and mother and not ask about my birth certificate.
V. Thou shalt not kill terrorists as we are the ones they have been waiting for.
VI. Thou shalt not commit adulteration of the environment by burning coal, oil, natural gas, etc.
VII. Thou shalt not steal except with the backing of Congress under the auspices of offically sanctioned bailout plans or public works projects.
VIII. Thou shalt not bear false witness against Obama, by which I mean bring up anything my office does not wish to be brought up.
IX. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife but feel free to step all over Sarah Palin.
X. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods (Chicago residents, check with your precinct captain.)
(from Opiate of the People at The People's Cube)
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