Monday, December 08, 2008


From Michlle Malkin:

The Globe calls him “colorful.” The newspaper spends nearly 1,000 words on him in its front-page story — plus a special video.

Is it any wonder newspapers are dying?

Giving people money on the street, especially when soup kitchens abound, here in Columbus, is NOT about helping them. It's about making yourself feel good regardless of the effect it has on someone else. Its selfish. You wanna help? Give money to a soup kitchen, but then again, you don't need to help. The government will be taking your money to do that for you.

a commenter on the Globe's website:

Giving someone a dollar so they can spend more time on the street is not sympathetic- it’s placating your own guilt. The potential of these men is squandered by empowering them to beg. Just one more way a misguided liberal society perpetuates homelessness and poverty…

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