Monday, July 06, 2009


Yes. There's a movement to repeal the 22nd amendment limiting a president to two terms.

Dr. Sanity (who is sadly taking an extended break from blogging):
... if you do listen to Obama's rhetoric, then before you swoon in ecstasy, notice how self-referential and fundamentally narcissistic everything he says is. It is always about him first and foremost. His lovely words are fluid in both form and substance; and he has perfected the art of postmodern demagoguery.

But the whole point of postmodern rhetoric is to obscure and hide the truth or reality. You can hide behind such rhetoric ("it depends on what the meaning of 'is' is" for example), but the key is to watch the behavior.

Obama's behavior has been extremely consistent--consistently leftist and socialist; consistently supportive of thugs and dictators; consistently an example of the 'end justifies the means'.

Don't think it can't happen here; it is happening as we speak; and half our population is aiding, abetting, and loving it.

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