Yup. He's said we need to just buck up. Like he has:
His bucked-up foreign policy has signaled weakness to our detractors and encouraged aggression from those who would destroy us.
He bucked up our financial institutions by taking control of over 600 banks. He bucked up the automotive industry with at first his bail-outs with strings, and firing CEO’s, and placing stipulations, regulations and mandates on formerly private companies.
With his ‘cap-and-trade’ bill, he bucked up the energy industry by passing the largest tax hike in history… to further buck up the middle class.
He’s bucking us up with his racist, activist supreme court nominee, the not-so-wise affirmative action judge Sotomayor. He’s bucking up our economy by plunging us into an abyss of debt and raising taxes on those who build industry. He’s bucking up big business; he’s bucking up small business. In fact, the only faction not getting bucked up are the unions and government workers. The message seems clear: A) Join a union or B) Go to work for the government, or C) Do both…. or we’re going to buck you up.
But does the buck really stop there? I think there’s plenty more on the way. Thus far we still have freedom of speech, freedom of expression. But with a revised version of the Fairness Doctrine due to come down the pike to silence talk radio and regulate the Internet, the president and his brood will be sure to buck that up too. After all, it’s only been six months. Plenty of buck-up time still to go.
And we still have the 2nd Amendment in place. The right to keep and bear arms. But as anyone who follows history knows, hardcore socialists can’t wait to inflict all sorts of gun control, restrictions, registrations, and eventually, confiscations on its citizens.
It’s so much easier to control people when they cease to be citizens, and start being subjects. (Big Hollywood)
Buck up and be a happy slave!
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