Thursday, July 30, 2009

CHAIRMAN ZERO MUST TAKE OVER THE MEDIA ENTIRELY... order to make it more fair. Dan Rather:
"I personally encourage the president to establish a White House commission on public media," Rather said, according to the July 29 Aspen Daily News.
According to the story, Rather said "corporate and political influence" on newsrooms had damaged the industry and was cause for concern.
"A truly free and independent press is the red beating heart of democracy and freedom," Rather said in an interview. "This is not something just for journalists to be concerned about, and the loss of jobs and the loss of newspapers, and the diminution of the American press' traditional role of being the watchdog on power. This is something every citizen should be concerned about." (via Moonbattery)

You thought I was kidding when I said we are being controlled by the certifiably insane.


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