The fest sure was like heaven. Now back to hell. The racism never stops....
(via Moonbattery)
And so you know, this quote from Victim Gates is NOT racist:
"As always, whitey now sits in judgment of me, preparing to cast my fate. It is your decision either to let me blow with the wind as a nonentity or to encourage the development of self. Allow me to prove myself.""Whitey" is a term of endearment!
And the horribly racist cop?
Sgt. Crowley, as it happens, is the Cambridge police force's hand-picked racial profiling expert and was selected by a former black police commissioner. He also performed CPR on black basketball star Reggie Lewis, whose widow praised the public servant for doing everything he could to save her husband. Sgt. Crowley's own police department immediately jumped to his defense in a picture-perfect multiracial photo op and press conference. (Real Clear)
From Michelle Malkin:
Who’s surprised that President Obama trashed police officers as “stupid” on national TV and implied they were racist despite “not having been there and not seeing all the facts, what role race played in that?”
This is Barack Obama, friend of cop-targeting domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, whose door sports a picture of convicted cop killer Mumia Abu Jamal.
This is Barack Obama, leader of the Democrat Party, which still embraces police-hater Al Sharpton
.“I might be a little biased,” Obama admitted before unleashing on the police.
We know. We know.
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