Thursday, July 30, 2009


Charles Winecoff, one of my heros:
...despite our national softness, bigotry remains eternal, part of the imperfect human condition. Nowadays, being proud of your flag, your military, your freedom, is the latest love that dare not speak its name. ”Conservative” is indeed the new “gay.” ...

Today, in America, we have a President who, rather than level with the trusting, hard-working voters who put him in office, plays mind games with them - asking them to believe that increasing the national debt is decreasing it, that less choice in health care is more choice, that standing up to violent savages makes us the savages, that reverse racism is post-racial. He seems to suck the meaning right out of words as he speaks them, always sure to distract with a mechanical smile.

But maybe he’s just stupid.

Meanwhile, this sort of mendacious pacifying has a malignant side effect. In the gay ghetto, for instance, the cult of “equality” encourages resentment towards straight white males, Christians, and other fellow Americans - sending the pampered, short-sighted LGBT community rushing to bolster another two-faced foe, that disguises itself as a kindred, downtrodden victim of Judeo-Christian oppression. And, to riff off Hillary Clinton, you know who I mean.

Word of advice to gays and lesbians: enjoy your comfort zone while you can.

Leftists claim to be die-hard humanitarians, yet they are the continual robbers and stiflers of free expression - always for the greater good - a compulsion that has nothing whatsoever to do with altruism, spirituality, or even with thought. The reality is they loathe people one on one, and prefer the safety of Utopian ideas.

And he isn't saying this stuff lightly. To have ideas such as his, excludes one from "the gay world" and excludes one from the Hollywood society he works in.

He speaks the truth, consequences be damned. He got guts and a source of real, inner "pride," as opposed to the phony pride trumpeted by the Gay Ayatollahs every damn June.

He continues:

Once you’re out, some of them may choose to remember you the way you were before you woke up. And I suppose there’s something touching, maybe even flattering, about a loved one who clings to a fond memory of the past.

But make no mistake: there’s nothing considerate, or peace-loving, about silence when it’s used as a muzzle. And for the Left, past and present, the ultimate goal is to keep the lies current, no matter how much denial, fear-mongering - or voodoo - it takes.

The left does "loathe people one on one." They can only live in their fantasy land, not the real, messy, complicated, loose-ends-filled world that acually exists. Any contact with such as that, that seeps into the cracks in their cracked world-view throws them into a blind rage. Hate is what animates them. How clever to mask it with sad smiles and such heart-felt words of concern.

Remembering I used to be that person.....I think I'll go take a shower......

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