I can't wait to see our racist president with his racist friend, sit down and have a beer with a good cop while he apologizes for doing his job.
MSNBC has a countdown till this great moment!
And yes, you are living in hell.
You might want to get a beer... but I'm sorry to tell ya, it won't really help all that much.
How bout this instead....something actually sensible, from the comments of this Hot Air posting:
With all the arguing the details of this situation, there is something that I’ve wondered but haven’t seen much discussion on.
What was the situation Gates actually wanted? If what was happening made him so mad, what is it that he would have wanted to be different?
Did he want there not to be any response from the police that there was a break-in reported at his residence?
Did he want only a black police officer to show up at a black person’s house to investigate?
Did he want the police to grovel before him as his servants?
Did he want the police to arrest the white woman who saw him breaking into his own house?
Did he want a free ride in a police car?
Did he just want a police officer to be there so he had someone to be mad at?
And most importantly in my mind:
Did Skip Gates think that what he was doing would help race relations in this country, or drive a wedge deeper between the races?
Scrappy on July 29, 2009 at 1:49 PM
Two answers: as a leftist professor, damn skippy he expects the police to grovel at his feet. He sees them as “pigs” or worse.
Secondly, of course he doesn’t want “whitey” polluting his doorstep. You just have to read his work over the years to see that.
And yeah, most folks can grasp the whole situation pretty well, which is why Obama and Gates come off so badly.
funky chicken on July 29, 2009
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