Thursday, July 16, 2009


She's like a politician that isn't. You know, sorta like the people that founded this nation. A lot of them were farmers, what the elite now call "dumb hicks."

From an article in The American Spectator:

Palin's supporters are right about another thing: experience alone is not enough. What else is needed, writes George Will, are the three C's: character, common sense, and constitutional sense. Charisma, which Palin clearly has in spades, is notably not one of the three C's.

So tell me, how many politicians anywhere, even the Republican party, have those three C's?

(*crickets chirping*)

Thought so. Christopher Orlet continues:

Incredibly Palin's resignation as Alaska governor actually boosted her standing among the Republican base, according to a USA Today/Gallup Poll. This hints at what some conservative pundits have feared, that her supporters are not only fervent, but fervent to the point of irrationality.

Of course, the worship of The One, The Lightworker, The Obamunist as the new risen Christ, that's the picture of perfectly rational behavior.

Maybe the "fervor" is for someone who isn't a snobby, post-modern, lyin' sack of shit. Think that might be it? No wonder they're scared. Who's gonna buy phony when they can get real?

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