Monday, July 13, 2009


Its been my experience that a construction worker with a high school degree is generally much smarter than a person with a doctorate in English.

Victor Volsky:

Intelligent idiots, smart fools, multi-degreed morons - lots of monikers could describe a category of individuals dismayingly prominent in the ruling elites of the West. They are the people so divorced from reality, so engrossed in bookish pursuits that - for all their undoubted intellectual accomplishments and often as a direct consequence thereof - they invariably end up with egg on their faces whenever they try to engage in practical activities.

Worse yet, they idolize each other, sticking up for one another out of class solidarity. ...

It is a common mistake of intellectuals to confuse IQ with common sense and verbal fluency with leadership qualities. They are simply unable to comprehend that academic success does not necessarily translate into a firm grasp on reality; the knack for endlessly bloviating on an abstruse subject does not automatically imply administrative ability; an academic degree is not a substitute for practical experience; and a professors' lounge is not a corporate boardroom....

So what do they bring to the administration other than long resumes and fearsome reputations as intellectual polemicists? All these brilliant academics have been brought on board for the sole purpose of lending an intellectual veneer to Obama's political schemes and validate his power grab. Hence the pitiful sight of these noted intellectuals being trotted out to the microphones to bleat pathetically in defense of the administration's agenda.

This explains the so-called Republicans out bashing Sarah Palin. She's not part of the club, and yet she is infinitely more popular, and so threatening to their fragile self-esteem. Perhaps if their sense of self were based on reality instead of floating ivory towers with absolutely no foundations, they would be able to relax a little.

If you want to see intelligence, go to a Tea Party. There is a reason that the idiot intelligentsia ridicule them.

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