I whole-heartedly agree with Ace of Spades regarding the Obama birth certificate conspiracy kooks:
...every time I've turned on the TV or the radio this week, people are blathering about the Birthers.Not that anyone talking about it agrees with them. Everyone from Coulter and Malkin on one side and Paglia and Gibbs on the other have emphasized about how messed up the Birthers are. They use words like "rabid", "crazy", and "fanatic". Moreover, although coverage of the "conspiracy" has recently picked up and contrary to the claims of Birthers that the media ignored the issue until now, serious discussion from a serious news outlet (I mean NR, of course) started in June of last year. It prompted then-candidate Obama to release a copy of his Certification of Live Birth ("COLB"), which irritatingly enough only encouraged the Birthers.
That's the problem with this little conspiracy and why I don't bother arguing with the Birthers anymore. Anything the President does gets twisted into evidence that he isn't a citizen.
Just because crazy is symptomatic of the left, doesn't mean the right is free of it. These people and the few bigoted kooks out there need to continually denounced, as they are now.
Its one of the reasons I could not get behind Ron Paul. He would not publicly disavow the white supremacists and 9-11 truthers that supported him. Anyone that wants political power so bad that they will lie in bed with these people to have their votes, is just as bad as they, in my book.
There is absolutely no room for that crap.
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