Friday, July 03, 2009


Matter of fact, from the left-wing talking heads to the DHS, disagreement with The Community Organizer in Cheif makes you damn close to being a terrorist.
From Hot Air:

When a dissenting voice at the EPA warned that the global-warming theories on which Obama had predicated his policies were falling apart, the administration did not champion a scientific approach to the debate. Instead, it took the ages-old method of silencing the scientist...

Carlin’s comments didn’t “help the legal or policy case” for the Obama administration? Actually, Carlin’s scientific analysis undermined the entire reason for those legal and policy choices. The effort to silence Carlin didn’t come because the EPA and the White House could easily refute the analysis. They silenced Carlin because they couldn’t refute it.

Now that Carlin has blown the whistle, the Obama administration has embarked on another ages-old strategy: character assassination. They have dismissed Carlin as an economist, when he actually has a degree in physics — from CalTech. They have derided his work as “sham science,” even though it relied on peer-reviewed studies. They’ve done everything but actually use the scientific method to rebut Carlin, which demonstrates the commitment they have to the “rightful place” of science when it comes to policy in this administration.

Funny that anyone would think actual scientific evidence would get in the way of the convenient excuse for near-complete government control that the global warming hoax has given them! C'mon. It was NEVER about the climate. It has always been about extending state control over every aspect of our lives. For our own good of course.

And re: the silencing, are you keeping track of The One's attitude towards free speech and open discussion? Keep watching. It will get much, much worse. They haven't given up on regulating what can be said on the radio yet. Give em a couple months. As we continue down the toilet that Der Messiah in his omniscient kindness has decided to flush, silencing dissent will become increasingly necessary for His Glorious Revolution.

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