But there's still hope:
Despite the results of the 2008 presidential election, Americans, by a 2-to-1 margin, say their political views in recent years have become more conservative rather than more liberal, 39% to 18%, with 42% saying they have not changed. While independents and Democrats most often say their views haven't changed, more members of all three major partisan groups indicate that their views have shifted to the right rather than to the left. (Gallup)
And this:
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 33% of the nation's voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack
Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-five percent (35%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of –2 (see trends).A look at the month-by-month numbers for the Approval Index highlights longer-term trends that sometimes gets lost in the statistical noise of daily numbers. Also, check out our review of last week’s key polls to see “What They Told Us.” (Rasmussen)
Hope it happens fast enough before it's too late....
This guy thinks the silky-smooth coating of Der Messiah's lies may just wear off.
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