It's happened. Its The Church of Gaia, and the fact of it's being a religion makes it immune to any scientific or rational analysis.
Roger's Rules:
the mesmerizing power of this version of paganism on the collective consciousness of our secular elites: too sophisticated to subscribe openly to traditional religion but who nonetheless yearned for a token of spiritual uplift with which they could flatter themselves and impress others.They hate religion while being blind to their intense, irrational religious zealotry. How convenient too, for wanna-be Totalitarians like The One. There can never be enough control. There can never be enough intrusion into our lives.Then there was the immense political advantage of environmentalism. As the “cap-n’-tax” (also known as “Cap and Trade”) attack on the coal industry shows, environmentalism offers an essentially limitless opportunity for ambitious politicians. Indeed, its advantages are threefold. Since you can never be green enough, an environmental policy can always be made increasingly stringent in order 1) to increase taxes 2) to make government more intrusive and 3) to enhance the emotion of virtue among the environmentally elect.
You don't hate the planet, do you?
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