...if we are indeed foolish enough to elect Obamessiah. He has said he wouldn't do it (we've seen how good his word is), but Nutsy Pelosi and other powerful liberals have been trying to bring it back for years and are chomping at the bit to do it again. Do you really think The One would say no? He's Mr. Free Speech Supression, fer crissakes! Love what Greg has to say about it:
So if the Democrats win it all this year, you can bet one of the first things they`re going to do is gloat. Then, of course, they`re going to pick out some new window treatments for the White House. Then, finally, they will try to resuscitate the corpse that is the Fairness Doctrine. If you don`t know what this is, it`s basically a creepy ploy to "balance" talk radio – meaning imposing government regulation to offset Rush Limbaugh with an opposing idealogy. Think Jeanine Garafalo (without throwing up).
The Fairness Doctrine illustrates a key truth about liberal thinking: no one actually likes it. The fact that you`d need government regulation to force radio stations to broadcast this crap is proof that society has no need for it. Without forced indoctrination of liberal thought – there would be no liberal thought. If you want an example of how successful liberal talk radio is on its own, consider Air America. It was to radio broadcasting what crabs are to Spring Break.Even more, the Fairness Doctrine reveals a scurvy of insecurity that riddles the left. They are so unsure of their own beliefs, that it`s not enough for them to control nearly every media entity on the planet (including movies, television, magazine publishing, off-Broadway one woman shows). They feel they must regulate talk radio, as a means to destroy talk radio – only because it`s not like them.
If the Fairness Doctrine comes to pass, most likely talk radio would cut back on their successful shows, because they`d lose money supporting liberal shows they`d be forced to run. And that`s the left`s real strategy all along: it`s not about giving Paul Begala another outlet to babble. It`s about eliminating dissent from the people they hate.It's sleazy and wrong, but hardly surprising.
And if you disagree with me, then you sir are worse than Hitler.
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