What a fabulous performance by the smirking huckster! I especially liked his snorts and smirks at the mention of "Joe the plumber." To have to descend to the level of having to speak about one 'o them there "clinging to their guns and religion" rubes musta really been amusing for him.
I think in these debates the attitude of the candidates plays a big part with the public. Obama's? Smug and smirking. McCain's? Ernest and sincere.
I was gratified that McCain hit him with his redistribution of wealth plans. Good God, every time Obama opened his thievin' Marxist mouth he was goin on about what we need to spend more money for. Beautiful that McCain called him "Senator Government," Freudian slip though it was. He nailed him too by saying how Obama thinks he is the one to decide what you should do with the money you earn, instead of allowing you to make that decision yourself. As Dr. Helen so aptly puts it:
" Obama talks about taking from those who are productive and redistributing to those who are not — or who are not as successful. If success and productivity is to be punished, why bother? "And what a huge sense of relief to hear him say, "I'm NOT president Bush. If you wanted to run against him you should have done it 4 years ago." From the look on Obama's face, that really pissed off his majesty!
Big missed opportunity on Ayers. Obama evidently had his xanex tonight because he made it all no big deal. He's got McCain's number on that one. He knows McCain is loath to get into questions of his character, being all Mr. Fair and Kind. McCain should have hammered him on Obama's pattern of alliances, not just Ayers, but he won't attack Wright because he's black and he's afraid of being called racist. That's why the Obama campaigns use of that word to describe any criticism is so effective. Everyone is afraid to be called racist and every white person in the last two generations has been taught that they might be racist and not know it. I remember that so well all through school, it was a very important point made by my left wing indoctrinaters. Now, I just don't friggin' care anymore. I know myself well, I have nothing to prove and I won't be held hostage by a bunch of phoney race-hustlin' scumbags. Go on and hate my ass!
The talking heads on Fox were pretty unanimous that Obama won. The blogs I checked differed. Seems to me that McCain "won" but guess time will tell.
But on to Obama's lies.
Obama said, "The only involvement I've had with ACORN is, I represented them alongside the US justice department in making Illinois implement a motor voter law that helped people get registered at DMVs.” Total LIE. Redstate has it.
He said he didn't launch his campaign in Ayers living room. The evidence is so plentiful that he did I don't even know where to start linking. Just poke around a little bit. That's all.
The "kill him" comment at the McCain rally. First of all- please- outrage from the people that have made unhinged hatred and calls for murder de rigeuer. But the truth is, it was yelled when McCain referenced Ayers, not Obama. Patterico has it. Even the liberal media. Nice that McCain brought up the t-shirts, advertised on Obama's site ('course got scrubbed. Screenshot here).
About those "tax cuts" for the 95% of the population. Lil' prob there. More than a third don't pay any taxes. Obama will send them checks. He calls it "refundables." Of course everyone else calls it welfare. Why the hell McCain never has nailed him on this is anyone's guess. The documentation is all over the damn place.
I read a post a week ago that spoke to the character of the American people at large, and said that that will come through and McCain will win. I pray to God it does, because if not, with a far far left congress and a man that has made a career of being allied with terrorists, Marxists, thieves and those that hate this nation becoming its president- folks, its over.
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