So Biden comes out and says that since Obama has no experience and is untested, the first thing to happen is some nut is gonna start something as soon as he takes office (here). As anyone that lives in a ghetto knows, the first thing to happen when someone unknown moves in is that you're tested. "Let's see if we can push this MF around." Duh. Interestingly, it has just come out that Iran will be able to build a bomb by FEBRUARY. Biden said Obama's response might not be popular with people but we need to just stick with him. Given the just dropped info on Iran's getting the bomb asap, I am wondering if that "unpopular" response is to say, "see ya, Isreal, been nice knowin ya." Ace has another idea:
Biden, Biden, Biden. What the hell?! He's telling the TRUTH! Its what he kept saying before he became The One's running mate. Of COURSE there will be a crisis and Obama will be like a deer in the headlights, run around celebrating the end of Israel with his anti-semitic friends or tell the parties involved that he wants to sit down with them and say, "dude. we are the world. we are the children." No wonder Biden is worried.Commenters are wondering what Joe Biden has in mind about the response that Biden is thinking of.
Probably selling Israel down the river-- as Jesse Jackson predicts.
Yes, They Probably Mean Israel: Israel will probably strike Iran after the election, if Obama is elected, because once Obama is in office they cannot count on support, intel, flyover permissions, etc.
Obama will of course condemn them.
That would be a decision that most Americans would object to, as Biden declares Obama's decision would be.
So there you go. They're already telegraphing their punches. Against Israel.
What's the media's response? Cover it up. Its just amazing. ABC ignores it's own scoop for 24 hrs. A left wing propaganda mouth piece is even running for cover, saying the cover-up is outrageous. Who thinks that (from Anti-Idiotarian)?
Ya THINK?!! More, from Ace:You know, when Dan “Forgery” Rather comes out and tells you that you have a liberal bias to the point where you’re deliberately ignoring stories that might hurt your candidate, it’s really, REALLY time to get out of the denial phase.
MSNBC Outdoes Itself: Given the choice between reporting the embarrassing Biden quote which has actually become an issue in the campaign, or reporting a similar quote in which Biden reformulated it to sound better, which do you think MSNBC chose?
And even worse - - they did not alert their viewers that this was not in fact the quote McCain and Palin are talking about. They called this "the quote."
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