Well sur-prahz sur-prahz! Now that Ms. Brunner has been forced by the courts to do her job and purge the rolls of all the fraudulent voter registrations, she says, oh...um...I already have 200,000 that are suspect. She had said there wasn't time to check and here she had been sitting on these. What was the margin that Bush won the state by in the last election? 190,000 or so. Now granted, not all those suspect ballots are from people registering under different identities, but still, we're talking about just Ohio! They're under investigation in 16 states!
Obama last night made light of ACORN and said his involvement was minimal. Au contraire. Being a trainer for the folks that have made a business of voter fraud isn't minimal, for starters. And then there's that 800,000 his campaign gave them.
I lost my apatite for breakfast this morning watching a smug, smirking (God, what is with all the smirking ?) representative of his campaign say that all this criticism is the right's attempt at "voter suppression." Who is going to be "suppressed?" Certainly no one that has legitimately registered. They are upset because the ineligible and the fraudulent might not vote. They have rights too, dammit!
The League of Women Voters are using a similar argument.
I got home from work one night and found an appeal from The League of Women Voters in my mailbox. Must be urgent as its been YEARS since I had any contact with them. Doubly so because the envelope has a big, red, "Jim Crow is back." printed on it. Lordy, lordy! This here is some serious business!
"at this very moment, some politicians are engaged in an orchestrated, election year effort to cut many Americans out of the democratic process. In congress, state legislatures, and at the local level, the powers that be are attempting to pass discriminatory laws that require voters to show photo identification at the polls. Heralded by its supporters as a much-needed defense against voter fraud, the photo ID requirement is the 21 st century version of the Jim Crow poll tax."
What. The. Hell. Need any MORE proof the left has lost it's collective mind?!
You need a photo ID to buy beer. To buy cigarettes. To drive a car. THOSE RACISTS! They are disenfranchising black people!!!!
Yeah. ID to buy beer but not to help choose the leader of our country!
Dude, if you can't get it together enough to get your pic taken for an ID, I'm sorry, but maybe you really shouldn't be voting. (fascist, I know.)
And Jim Crow? What, they're gonna show up at the polling place with election observers from both parties standing there and the little old lady at the table's gonna look at their picture ID and say, "I'm sorry. You're not white. You can't vote"? C'mon.
This from the crowd that wrote the book on voter fraud. Of course, its not REALLY fraud, because the left just KNOWS that the only way they could loose is from dirty tricks, not voters rejecting their cultural marxist bullshit. So its....you know....justified. They are just speaking for the "oppressed." The "dis-enfranchised." Any means necessary. To criticize them is "voter suppression." DAMN. I know. I believed that hogwash and so did all my friends. Its the norm, along with the belief in free speech existing only for those you with whom you agree.
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