Decepticon Obama hasn't waited until being elected to start shutting down free speech. Of course that has always been the case on the left with their protests and purging of dissenting opinion on campuses, but Obama is taking it to a new level. He has sent his troops to jam phone lines for interviews he doesn't like, He's filed legal papers against people he doesn't like and threatened IRS investigations against donors to people he doesn't like. A private citizen had the gall to ask him a question and the guy has his background gone through looking for something to destroy him. Do you see maybe a little bit of a pattern here?
Now he's cancelled all contact with a station he doesn't like. Their sin? Asking Joe Biden tough questions. You can see the interview here. Joe is just incredulous- he can't believe that questions are being asked of the campaign that should have been asked months ago. How dare they! They must be crushed. They are already going through the interviewers past trying to destroy her.
She asked about ACORN and Biden lied through his teeth saying Obama never gave them a dime. He gave 800 million to one of their subsidiary groups and hid it by labeling it for lighting and events. When this was pointed out they said it was just an error. Uh huh. Obama's ties to ACORN are extensive, but Biden is outraged by having to face real questions about this with a real reporter doing her job instead of being part of the Obama campaign like the rest of the MSM.
In reference to Obama's answer to the impertinent Joe the Plumber's question, that he wants to spread the wealth around, the interviewer quoted Marx: "from each according to his ability to each according to his need." She asked how this is any different. Good question. It isn't. Obama is a Marxist. He has been allied with them his whole career. But this kind of question is not allowed and not properly deferential to His Majesty's Regime.
So how would an Obama socialist revolution proceed in what was once America? The same way it has everywhere else. The state will control the media. Free speech will be shut down. They are already talking about bringing back the fairness doctrine to shut down talk radio- they are even talking about extending it to the Internet. (of course Obama denies he would do that. we can trust him, right? cough cough) .
What is even more frightening is that the left will be happy to see this done and will be willingly complicit in this. I went to a bar last night with a McCain-Palin ball cap on and was told by the owner that I was not to discuss politics. This as I listened to Obama cult members going on and on about him all night.
Lets just hope that the mass murder all other socialist revolutions have resulted in won't happen here if we are foolish enough to elect our own destruction. It was seen as necessary by Ayer's Weather Underground. They stated that they would need to “eliminate” an estimated 25 million that would not be able to be re-educated. Ayers, Obama's long time ally and friend.
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