Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Emperor Misha relates a story about one of his children at Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler:
My Heirs have been going through election stuff in 1st grade because, well, we have an election coming up, which makes it sort of relevant. All that stuff about how elections work and how your right to vote is very, very important and how you need to exercise it no matter what. I appreciate that. We’ve already taught them that, but I don’t mind the reinforcement one little bit.

So, anyway, the oldest Heir (by all of two minutes) is sitting there with me, asking me about the candidates in this election, and somehow the conversation drifts to whether they have families too. He asks me whether the Obamessiah has any siblings and I answer, truthfully, that I only know about a half-brother living in Africa on a dollar a month, relying on the kindnesses of strangers to get by.

“Doesn’t Obama have money?”, he asks me.

“Sure”, I say, “more than we’ll probably ever have.”

“Why doesn’t he give some of it to his brother, then?”

“I don’t know. I guess he doesn’t want to.”

The Heir thinks about that for a moment and then says: “Well, dad, when I grow up and make a lot of money, if I make a thousand dollars, I could send them to his brother so he could have a house and some food to eat.”

See? That’s redistributing wealth done the right way. Not at the point of a gun, but because my kid thought that he wanted to help this guy that he didn’t even know.

Yeah. I choked up alright. Great kid. Here we are, stuck in shit so far it’s creeping into our nostrils, yet he still has the heart to feel for a complete stranger. A complete stranger whose own brother doesn’t give a shit, I might add. Hearts of pure gold, both of them. If there’s anything that I might have had a hand in teaching them that I feel proud of, that would be it.

And what is it that the children of liberals learn? To worhip at the alter of a cult of personality, lead by a man who will do "good" with other people's money, giving them the glorious freedom to always be thinking about only themselves and their feeeeeelings.

Virtue can only come through freedom. Enforced virtue is no virtue at all.

And you know another thing? A focus on the results of your good intentions in the real world, on real people is what goodness and love really is. A focus on the good feelings you yourself get from your good intentions, regardless of their results, is nothing but narcissistic self-love. Its just another drug. Not love. You're just getting yourself off and calling it "being spiritual, not religious."

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