Disagree with The Obamessiah? You shall be silenced, unbeliever! It has been his pattern the whole campaign- sending threatening letters, sending his minions to jam phone lines, and now, kicking off all of the reporters from papers endorsing McCain from his plane. Not surprising, given the lefts mantra of "free speech for me but not for thee," but still kinda heavy handed, doncha think, for a man who has yet to totally seize the reigns of power in his iron fist? This is the Glorious Revolution we can look forward too if The Great Deceiver pulls it off. Do you disagree? You're a racist! The story here and here.
The Washington Times quoting an Obama spokes-commrade:
These were "very hard decisions," she said, and have "absolutely nothing" to do with the news organizations' coverage of the race.Meanwhile, John McCain's presidential campaign responded to the Times being kicked off the plane as "... not surprising."
"The least transparent and the least vetted candidate in history is now the least accessible — not surprising," said McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds.
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