From Rachel Lucas:
Joe the plumber - that fool - asked a simple question fraught with danger for Obama: “Are you gonna raise my taxes?”He ought not to have done that. Because when he did that, Obama actually told the truth, which was that Obama wants to “spread the wealth.” Which made everyone with a sane mind able to legitimately say that he’s a socialist. Bad Joe. Shame on you for giving The Annointed One’s opponents some ammunition. Now you must be destroyed.
So now Joe’s home address is posted all over the internet. His divorce records, his tax records, his voting history, you name it. The leftists are drawing conclusions that aren’t true, but damn what’s true. What really matters is raking some random guy who asked a serious question all over hot hot coals of unwarranted public scrutiny.
Nice work, lefty “journalists.” You can’t be bothered to write two-dozen-paragraph articles discussing the presidential candidate’s connections and history but you sure can do it about some dude in Toledo’s plumbing license. You are such a bunch of pissant little assholes.
Even if Joe the plumber turned out to be a raging loser with a criminal history and a penchant for setting kittens on fire, WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION AND OBAMA’S ANSWER TO HIS QUESTION??? Nothing! and everyone attacking him goddamn knows it.
The only reason anyone is even aware of Joe’s existence is because of what Obama said to him. Joe himself is completely irrelevant. He doesn’t matter. He is unimportant. He has nothing to do with anything. He asked a ****in’ question. The answer to that question should be getting all the press and all the scrutiny, and everyone who’s attacking this Joe guy KNOWS THAT.
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