I saw an extremely interesting show on body language, intonation and other non-verbal forms of communication on the tube last night. The show's experts remarked that Obama speaks in rhythm, much like charismatic preachers. The sound and the beat of his voice draws you in and you begin to feel one with him. Same thing used to happen to me on the dance floor with the beat years ago. "We're all on the beat. we're all one." It could even feel "spiritual." Kinda lost interest after a couple years though, when I started to realize it had no focus in any reality. Unless, of course, you count, "we are one, wasted out of our minds," as reality. It was nothing but emotional circuits getting stroked. Obama does the same thing. He pushes their neuro-chemical buttons to take his listeners on an emotional high. The point was made in the program that many people can't remember much at all about what he said, after a rally, but that they really really liked him and believed in him. This explains why he so rarely DOES say anything beyond vague hopey-changiness. The words and ideas aren't what matter. What matters is his getting you high- its an EMOTIONAL connection, not rational. Tailor made for the the irrational, narcissitic, emotion-is-all left. Brilliant. It really is. You don't have to say anthing as long as you keep that buzz going. Then after the election, you can pull the pretty pink cotton candy cover off and show em what you just sold them.
McCain, on the other hand, has none of that. His style is just plain words. The focus is not on a buzz or fireworks, its on what he is actually saying. Imagine that! He's not interested in being an entertaining drug, he's interested in communicating ideas. He strives for sincerity and strives to be genuine. Boring, huh? Where's my buzz? Damn! Life is just about getting off, isn't it?
Sure gives a better understanding of The Messiah's cultists, but now I'm even more creeped out knowing how many people are drugged out Zobambies voting for the better buzz, oblivious and uncaring of any reason or logic. To them, emotion IS logic- if it feeeeels good, it IS good. End of story. Well so does smack.
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