Friday, July 31, 2009
I lived 'em!
"I think that people start with a desire to be extremists — or, at least, to feel good about themselves and condemn others — and then look around for an ideology that gives them what they want. The actual merits are far less important, as is demonstrated by the transparent idiocy of most ideologies."
(via Instapundit)
Man I love Teh Resistance!
It is said that when the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. To the leftist mind, the world is beset with a host of problems, all of which have only one solution.Problem: Environmental pollution.
Solution: Destroy Capitalism.Problem: Inequities in Health Care.
Solution: Destroy Capitalism.Problem: Climate change.
Solution: Destroy Capitalism.Problem: Social inequalities.
Solution: Destroy Capitalism.Problem: Banks and Automakers made stupid decisions and lost money.
Solution: Destroy CapitalismProblem: Geo-political conflicts between cultures that have been at war for centuries.
Solution: Destroy Capitalism.Problem: People on the radio are expressing opinions lefties don’t like.
Solution: Destroy Capitalism.Problem: “Parents want me to move out of the basement and get a job.”
Solution: Destroy Capitalism.Problem: Bongwater, not as tasty as promised.
Solution: Destroy capitalism.
If you haven't read any of Theodore Dalrymple's books, or gone on Fark regularly to see the madness of what has become of that once great nation, you may not be aware of things like this:
The government gives your average Englishman certain rights in his home, but he is no longer allowed to defend it by force and, if he leaves it for even a weekend’s vacation, he may come home to find it taken over by “travelers,” who can then claim rights in the property as well. Most of the “travelers” aren’t even from the ancient gypsy lineage, but are just lawless people who like to live free. (Bookworm Room)
One man was recently arrested for defending his family with a letter opener against 5 attackers.
So now some are resorting to barbed wire and having each other perform sentry duty to guard what was once considered their "homes."
Diane Feinstien had a group of old people that were insisting on talking to her about their healthcare, constituents of hers, arrested today.
Nice companion to today's story about Chairman Zero's secret service training their weapons on people that were peacefully protesting his socialization of America as he drove by.
MORE: It appears there may be a trend of legislaters running from their own townhall meetings to avoid their angry constituents:
Screaming constituents, protesters dragged out by the cops, congressmen fearful for their safety — welcome to the new town-hall-style meeting, the once-staid forum that is rapidly turning into a house of horrors for members of Congress....
“I had felt they would be pointless,” Rep. Tim Bishop (D-N.Y.) told POLITICO, referring to his recent decision to temporarily suspend the events in his Long Island district. “There is no point in meeting with my constituents and [to] listen to them and have them listen to you if what is basically an unruly mob prevents you from having an intelligent conversation.” (Politico)
Well, Tim, if you friggin' listened to your constituents in the first place and weren't so busy helping to destroy our Nation, they might not have to yell.
Justa thought.
• Sec. 113, Pg. 21-22 of the Health Care (HC) Bill MANDATES a government audit of the books of ALL EMPLOYERS that self-insure in order to “ensure that the law does not provide incentives for small and mid-size employers to self-insure”!
• Sec. 122, Pg. 29, Lines 4-16 - YOUR HEALTH CARE WILL BE RATIONED!
• Sec. 123, Pg. 30 - THERE WILL BE A GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE deciding what treatments and benefits you get.
• Sec. 142, Pg. 42 - The Health Choices Commissioner will choose your benefits for you. You have no choice!
• Sec. 152, Pg. 50-51 - HC will be provided to ALL NON-US citizens.
• Sec. 163, Pg. 58-59 beginning at line 5 - Government will have real-time access to individual’s finances & a National ID health care card will be issued!
• Sec. 163, Pg. 59, Lines 21-24 - Government will have direct access to your bank accounts for electronic funds transfer.
• Sec. 164, Pg. 65 is a payoff subsidized plan for retirees and their families in unions & community organizations (ACORN).
• Sec. 201, Pg. 72, Lines 8-14 - Government is creating an HC Exchange to bring private plans under government control.

And could this guy be anymore classy and honorable?
Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
From iOwntheworld. It's the type of stuff you pay for through the NEA. Really. Check it. is called "Piss Obama."
I thought you'd click!
From a great piece by Stuart Williamson:
Her words, her dynamic style, her good humor and high spirits, as well as her clear dedication to the traditional values of Middle America, have created a great wave of euphoria among conservatives across the country, in the Tea Party movement as well as those who embraced her last fall.Those in the Obama camp who have savaged her, and the commentators who have criticized her for being a quitter, a political weakling, doomed forever as a loser, are about to get their first lesson in Palin 101: The word "quit" is not in her vocabulary. She is not a reactive defender. She is a fierce and fearless attack machine. She earned her nickname Sarah Barracuda, on the basketball court. She polished those skills in the rough and tumble of the frontier politics of Alaska.She is unswervingly honest. She hates liars and cheats. She spent many years exposing powerful entrenched opponents in a state whose politics had become sleazy, and has a keen nose for corruption What she says, she means. She makes no idle promises. This honesty is what brought her into politics in the first place. She ran for mayor of Wasilla because she questioned the motives of the favored candidate. She cleaned up local government. Her integrity is what propelled her to high approval ratings as she rose to the governorship. Her honesty is transparent, it shines through. It resonates with voters, differentiating her from run-of-the mill opportunistic professional politicians.For Palin, integrity in government transcends all other considerations. Many politicians and pundits find this hard to believe, or even understand.The truth is: Sarah Palin is not really a "politician". She did not get into politics to seek power or wealth. She bears no resemblance to the typical politician, who graduated in Law specifically to enter politics; or to the successful businessman who runs for office to gain profit advantage or status; or to the mediocrities who rises through nepotism or dynastic ambition like a Kennedy or a Gore. Or to any party hack out of the Chicago machine.She has not brought herself into this fight at this point because she wants to be President...or Vice-President...or Senator....or Cabinet member. She is in this solely because she feels, deeply, that our traditional principles and values, already betrayed by both parties, are in serious jeopardy through the aggressive efforts of committed socialists. She is prepared to make a personal sacrifice in the cause of defeating them. If she succeeds, she'll be happy to just go back to Wasilla and the Alaskan way of middle class life she loves.
Garsh. Just like the people that FOUNDED this country. And THAT is what everyone hates about her.
She's not sleezy, phony-ass trash. Who the hell can live with THAT!?
Worth reading it all. He goes on to say that she's absolutely not going to take orders from the RNC either.
From American Thinker:
Scott Hodge writing on the Tax Policy Blog:
Newly released data from the IRS clearly debunks the conventional Beltway rhetoric that the "rich" are not paying their fair share of taxes.
Indeed, the IRS data shows that in 2007-the most recent data available-the top 1 percent of taxpayers paid 40.4 percent of the total income taxes collected by the federal government. This is the highest percentage in modern history. By contrast, the top 1 percent paid 24.8 percent of the income tax burden in 1987, the year following the 1986 tax reform act.
Remarkably, the share of the tax burden borne by the top 1 percent now exceeds the share paid by the bottom 95 percent of taxpayers combined. In 2007, the bottom 95 percent paid 39.4 percent of the income tax burden. This is down from the 58 percent of the total income tax burden they paid twenty years ago.
To put this in perspective, the top 1 percent is comprised of just 1.4 million taxpayers and they pay a larger share of the income tax burden now than the bottom 134 million taxpayers combined.
This has all taken place under the evil Bush regime that, as everyone knows, favored rich people and stuck it to the middle class.
In fact, a study done last year showed that it wasn't France, or Sweden, or any European country that had the most "progressive" tax system in the developed world. It was the good old USA.
Repeat a lie enough times and it becomes the recieved truth. Then something like THIS comes along! Well, at least there's no danger of many people finding out.
A government health plan will lead to a complete take-over of health care.
C'mon guys! If you can't stick to your lies, how will we ever get hope and change?
If you haven't read the writing on the wall yet, maybe this will do it:
During the motorcade when the president was arriving, there were several vehicles following the limo that contained the secret service. All of the vehicles had all the windows rolled down, and back hatch open on the SUVs with the men holding their, I assume assault rifes, machine guns, drawn on everyone lining the streets. Needless to say it took my breath away at the sight of them, and made my friends and I dizzy with fear. I have seen the secret service before, but never like this. While they were intimidating, I never felt in danger. The guns were not drawn when the motorcade was leaving the event. But I turned on a local talk radio program as we were leaving and all the calls were about witnessing the guns being pointed at them and nothing else until the end of the program. (Gateway Pundit)
I'm wondering what will happen when the intimidation from the DHS, the defense department and now the secret service pointing guns at peaceful protesters, fails to silence those opposed to Chairman Zero's Marxist take-over?

I whole-heartedly agree with Ace of Spades regarding the Obama birth certificate conspiracy kooks:
...every time I've turned on the TV or the radio this week, people are blathering about the Birthers.Not that anyone talking about it agrees with them. Everyone from Coulter and Malkin on one side and Paglia and Gibbs on the other have emphasized about how messed up the Birthers are. They use words like "rabid", "crazy", and "fanatic". Moreover, although coverage of the "conspiracy" has recently picked up and contrary to the claims of Birthers that the media ignored the issue until now, serious discussion from a serious news outlet (I mean NR, of course) started in June of last year. It prompted then-candidate Obama to release a copy of his Certification of Live Birth ("COLB"), which irritatingly enough only encouraged the Birthers.
That's the problem with this little conspiracy and why I don't bother arguing with the Birthers anymore. Anything the President does gets twisted into evidence that he isn't a citizen.
Just because crazy is symptomatic of the left, doesn't mean the right is free of it. These people and the few bigoted kooks out there need to continually denounced, as they are now.
Its one of the reasons I could not get behind Ron Paul. He would not publicly disavow the white supremacists and 9-11 truthers that supported him. Anyone that wants political power so bad that they will lie in bed with these people to have their votes, is just as bad as they, in my book.
There is absolutely no room for that crap.
I mean the non-revised words. The original, that this rebel still clings to, are that we should judge a man not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character.
With The One's ascendancy, it has become enforced that we judge a man not by the content of his character (irrelevant), but by the color of his skin. To do otherwise means one will be labeled racist, and quite possibly put on the DHS's watch list as a potential terrorist.
Check out this heresy from Linda Chavez! She better watch herself!
We ought to relegate terms like Uncle Tom, sell-out, and traitor-to-your-race (or sex) to the same category we do racial and sexual epithets. They reflect the same root prejudices. Anytime we assume that we know something fundamental about how a person behaves or thinks based on race, ethnicity, or sex, we're exhibiting our own biases. People aren't good or bad, hard-working or irresponsible, smart or dull, liberal or conservative based on the amount of melanin in their skin or the number of X-chromosomes in their DNA.
The sooner we start judging people as individuals, not as members of groups, the sooner we'll put prejudice and bias of all sorts behind us once and for all. So the next time Rick Sanchez starts casting ethnic aspersions based on politics, let's recognize his prejudice for what it is.
The whole post is excellent.

Walter Williams explains some of it's finer points:
Article I, Section 7 of the U.S. Constitution reads: "All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other Bills." A president has no power to raise or lower taxes. He can propose tax measures or veto them but since Congress can ignore presidential proposals and override a presidential veto, it has the ultimate taxing power. The same principle applies to spending. A president cannot spend a dime that Congress does not first appropriate. As such, presidents cannot be held responsible for budget deficits or surpluses. That means that credit for a budget surplus or blame for budget deficits rests on the congressional majority at the time.
So no, the start of this mess wasn't Bush's fault. It was congress. Sorry.
Thinking about today's massive deficits, we might ask: Where in the U.S. Constitution is Congress given the authority to do anything about the economy? ...
If you asked President Obama or a congressman to cite the specific constitutional authority for the bailouts, handouts and corporate takeover, I'd bet the rent money that they would say that their authority lies in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution that reads: "The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Impost, Excises to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States." They'd tell you that their authority comes from the Constitution's "general welfare" clause. James Madison, the father of our constitution, explained, "If Congress can do whatever in their discretion can be done by money, and will promote the general welfare, the government is no longer a limited one possessing enumerated powers, but an indefinite one subject to particular exceptions." He later added, "With respect to the two words 'general welfare,' I have always regarded them as qualified by the detail of powers connected with them. To take them in a literal and unlimited sense would be a metamorphosis of the Constitution into a character which there is a host of proofs was not contemplated by its creators." Thomas Jefferson said, "Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated." That means only those powers listed.
Well, we DID vote to remake America, and if that means trashing the Consitituion, I guess that's what we wanted, huh? As the left has demonstrated time and again, the highest love for our country is shown by working for it's destruction.
Chairman Zero's justice dept., forgetting the meaning of its name, dropped the charges on Black Panther Jerry Jackson, who was wielding a club in front of the door of a polling place and yelling at white people whom he called "crackuhs." His conviction was certain, as his time of appeal had run out, but no matter. The One's ideological allies must be free!
Check out this stuff from Mr. Jackson's myspace:
But of course, this is not racism. Neither is calling a cop "stupid" after admitting you don't know what went down with him. Thank you O Messiah, for setting back race relations years and encouraging bigotry!"BLACK POWER,BLACK LOVE,BLACK UNITY,BLACK MINDS,KILLIN CRAKKKAS"
"F*** Whitey's Christmas"
An image of an execution scene from the cult hit film "Pulp Fiction"
A photo of a man holding a sign saying, "DEPORT WHITE PEOPLE"
A derogatory anti-cop poster titled "BEWARE OF PIG"
An image of Saddam Hussein before his execution
A photo of a cop sitting next to a black child in a toy car. Beneath the image the phrase "Racial Profiling: It Starts Early" (Washington Times)
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Charles Winecoff, one of my heros:
...despite our national softness, bigotry remains eternal, part of the imperfect human condition. Nowadays, being proud of your flag, your military, your freedom, is the latest love that dare not speak its name. ”Conservative” is indeed the new “gay.” ...Today, in America, we have a President who, rather than level with the trusting, hard-working voters who put him in office, plays mind games with them - asking them to believe that increasing the national debt is decreasing it, that less choice in health care is more choice, that standing up to violent savages makes us the savages, that reverse racism is post-racial. He seems to suck the meaning right out of words as he speaks them, always sure to distract with a mechanical smile.
But maybe he’s just stupid.
Meanwhile, this sort of mendacious pacifying has a malignant side effect. In the gay ghetto, for instance, the cult of “equality” encourages resentment towards straight white males, Christians, and other fellow Americans - sending the pampered, short-sighted LGBT community rushing to bolster another two-faced foe, that disguises itself as a kindred, downtrodden victim of Judeo-Christian oppression. And, to riff off Hillary Clinton, you know who I mean.
Word of advice to gays and lesbians: enjoy your comfort zone while you can.
Leftists claim to be die-hard humanitarians, yet they are the continual robbers and stiflers of free expression - always for the greater good - a compulsion that has nothing whatsoever to do with altruism, spirituality, or even with thought. The reality is they loathe people one on one, and prefer the safety of Utopian ideas.
And he isn't saying this stuff lightly. To have ideas such as his, excludes one from "the gay world" and excludes one from the Hollywood society he works in.
He speaks the truth, consequences be damned. He got guts and a source of real, inner "pride," as opposed to the phony pride trumpeted by the Gay Ayatollahs every damn June.
He continues:The left does "loathe people one on one." They can only live in their fantasy land, not the real, messy, complicated, loose-ends-filled world that acually exists. Any contact with such as that, that seeps into the cracks in their cracked world-view throws them into a blind rage. Hate is what animates them. How clever to mask it with sad smiles and such heart-felt words of concern.Once you’re out, some of them may choose to remember you the way you were before you woke up. And I suppose there’s something touching, maybe even flattering, about a loved one who clings to a fond memory of the past.
But make no mistake: there’s nothing considerate, or peace-loving, about silence when it’s used as a muzzle. And for the Left, past and present, the ultimate goal is to keep the lies current, no matter how much denial, fear-mongering - or voodoo - it takes.
Remembering I used to be that person.....I think I'll go take a shower......
Oh c'mon! No one would ever say such a thing! Let alone, one in such a position of power!
Ok. This is what he had to say:
“The fetus, given the opportunity to develop properly before birth, and given the essential early socializing experiences and sufficient nourishing food during the crucial early years after birth, will ultimately develop into a human being,” John P. Holdren, director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, wrote in Human Ecology: Problems and Solutions. (Patterico's)
Just in: old people are not human either.
Still waiting for word on people without an ivy league education. order to make it more fair. Dan Rather:
"I personally encourage the president to establish a White House commission on public media," Rather said, according to the July 29 Aspen Daily News.
According to the story, Rather said "corporate and political influence" on newsrooms had damaged the industry and was cause for concern.
"A truly free and independent press is the red beating heart of democracy and freedom," Rather said in an interview. "This is not something just for journalists to be concerned about, and the loss of jobs and the loss of newspapers, and the diminution of the American press' traditional role of being the watchdog on power. This is something every citizen should be concerned about." (via Moonbattery)You thought I was kidding when I said we are being controlled by the certifiably insane.

You were apparently right, Mom!
It hasn't created any jobs, but then, that was never the point now, was it?
From Michelle Malkin's list of some of the very, very im-por-tant art that you're grandchildren will be paying for:
$25,000 to CounterPulse in San Francisco, California that just held this past Saturday (July 25th) “Perverts Put Out” which urges one to “Join your fellow pervs for some explicit, twisted fun!”. The picture accompanying the announcement is a nude man onstage at a microphone.
Try this little exercise. Watch this without the sound once. What do you read from his facial features and demeanor? Arrogance. Snobbery. Superiority. 'Least that's what I see.
Then you listen to him call the people of this country idiots and you gotta start wondering why anyone would ever vote his "club" into office. They never tire of pointing out that:
Soldiers and cops are stupid, racist, baby-killing morons (just look at this guy).
Republicans are dumb racist hicks.
Americans of African descent are helpless children that must be led.
Construction workers and farmers are too ignorant to know what's in their best interest.

...people are waking up to what's at the end of it.
The One is starting to tank.

I can't wait to see our racist president with his racist friend, sit down and have a beer with a good cop while he apologizes for doing his job.
MSNBC has a countdown till this great moment!
And yes, you are living in hell.
You might want to get a beer... but I'm sorry to tell ya, it won't really help all that much.
How bout this instead....something actually sensible, from the comments of this Hot Air posting:
With all the arguing the details of this situation, there is something that I’ve wondered but haven’t seen much discussion on.
What was the situation Gates actually wanted? If what was happening made him so mad, what is it that he would have wanted to be different?
Did he want there not to be any response from the police that there was a break-in reported at his residence?
Did he want only a black police officer to show up at a black person’s house to investigate?
Did he want the police to grovel before him as his servants?
Did he want the police to arrest the white woman who saw him breaking into his own house?
Did he want a free ride in a police car?
Did he just want a police officer to be there so he had someone to be mad at?
And most importantly in my mind:
Did Skip Gates think that what he was doing would help race relations in this country, or drive a wedge deeper between the races?
Scrappy on July 29, 2009 at 1:49 PM
Two answers: as a leftist professor, damn skippy he expects the police to grovel at his feet. He sees them as “pigs” or worse.
Secondly, of course he doesn’t want “whitey” polluting his doorstep. You just have to read his work over the years to see that.
And yeah, most folks can grasp the whole situation pretty well, which is why Obama and Gates come off so badly.
funky chicken on July 29, 2009

The conclusion of this Time interview:
Well, again, thank you very much.
Thank you so much.I just so appreciate you doing this.
Well, I appreciate you. You've been doing a good job on the reporting on this.Thank you so much.
It's hard stuff and you've been very serious about it, so we appreciate it.
Monday, July 27, 2009
And not only that...criticizing Chairman Zero! Heads will roll!
Check it out- they bust his ass for lying about health care!
Here's the headline from CNN.
It used to be a lil' somethin' called "news"
Haw! "News!" Funny.
A store owner kicked out for selling conservative merchandise.
Every damn week...chip, chip, chip.....
Look for a brand-new re-education camp coming soon to a neighborhood near you!
It's NEW!!
Damn cops should know that the proper way to approach any black man in on your knees begging forgiveness for your white ass being in existence. As it was, they treated him just like they would any other citizen in that know, sorta like what MLK wanted (that's MLK, the famous racist).
Check out who this jackass Henry Louis Gates Jr. IS.
Racist. Marxist. Just like The Rev. Wright.
Shocker, I know.

The fest sure was like heaven. Now back to hell. The racism never stops....
(via Moonbattery)
And so you know, this quote from Victim Gates is NOT racist:
"As always, whitey now sits in judgment of me, preparing to cast my fate. It is your decision either to let me blow with the wind as a nonentity or to encourage the development of self. Allow me to prove myself.""Whitey" is a term of endearment!
And the horribly racist cop?
Sgt. Crowley, as it happens, is the Cambridge police force's hand-picked racial profiling expert and was selected by a former black police commissioner. He also performed CPR on black basketball star Reggie Lewis, whose widow praised the public servant for doing everything he could to save her husband. Sgt. Crowley's own police department immediately jumped to his defense in a picture-perfect multiracial photo op and press conference. (Real Clear)
From Michelle Malkin:
Who’s surprised that President Obama trashed police officers as “stupid” on national TV and implied they were racist despite “not having been there and not seeing all the facts, what role race played in that?”
This is Barack Obama, friend of cop-targeting domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, whose door sports a picture of convicted cop killer Mumia Abu Jamal.
This is Barack Obama, leader of the Democrat Party, which still embraces police-hater Al Sharpton
.“I might be a little biased,” Obama admitted before unleashing on the police.
We know. We know.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Our Glorious Leader, Chairman Zero, made this decree when making the case for moving fast and not even reading the bill:
...I have moved quickly to work with my economic team and leaders of both parties on an American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan that will immediately jumpstart job creation and long-term growth.
Minister of Propagada Gibbs just the other day:
...the $787 billion "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act" (AARA) was not designed for full economic recovery, but rather to "stabilize" the downturn. something Barney Frank never heard of. Speaking about his plan to legalize pot, displaying what a class guy he is:
...we have this outrageous case in New York where a cop jammed a baton up a guy's ass when he caught him smoking marijuana.ESQ: You're kidding.
BF: Actually, I've just been corrected by my partner -- it was a radio he jammed up the guy's ass, not his baton. (Esquire)
Barney! Barney! Please try to keep your professional world and your fantasy world separate!
(cheap shot, I know, but couldn't resist. It's because I'm full of self-loathing and internalized homophobia, I'm sure)

Gay Patriot notices:
Obama doesn’t seem to smile when he speaks or even to look at the audience (but then I’ve never been in the audience to see him speak so that could just be my perception). Unlike Reagan (whom I have seen speak), when Obama pauses, he barely changes his expression, not responding to his listeners or even appealing to them, instead titling his chin upward and waiting for acclaim (or expecting deference?).
And this from a man who, in Henninger’s words, appears to be “making the public speech the central act of his presidency.“
It's because his speaking is not about the audience. It's about him. The effect of his words is to lull people to sleep and bring their worship and adulation to him. Its Narcissistic Personality Disorder, the epidemic leftist disease.
ILoveCapitalism in GayPatriot's comments reminded us of this:
...we know Obama has a sense of humor. Do you remember this interview?
Kroft: You’re sitting here. And you’re laughing. You are laughing about some of these [critical national] problems. Are people going to look at this and say, ‘I mean, he’s sitting there just making jokes about money?’ How do you deal with — I mean: explain … Are you punch-drunk?”Obama: No, no. There’s gotta be a little gallows humor to get you through the day.
That shows Obama’s narcissism. We’re the ones on the gallows. We’re the ones paying the $1.8 trillion annual deficits that he and Kroft were discussing, losing jobs, about to have health care severely damaged, losing freedom, etc. Gallows humor is supposed to be for and by the one on the gallows, and that’s the American people. Obama is the executioner. But, Obama thinks “gallows humor” should be a concept for his benefit.
It's not a mere coincidence that he and Mussolini look a WHOLE lot alike in their speaking style.
(btw, that was Mussolini, not Obama. Mussolini "loved America" too. Very patriotic.)
They must have been following a directive from Glorious Chairman Zero:
The House Ways and Means committee approved a half-trillion dollar tax increase overnight, but the ABC and NBC morning news shows offered only a single sentence to the development, while CBS’s Early Show skipped it entirely. (Newsbusters)Nothing to see here. Move along. Isn't American Idol on or something?
Hamas. Their children's programing may give some insight into their mentality:
It's meant to be a children's program, but "Young Pioneers" on Hamas-run television is well-known for pushing the boundaries of what most people would deem suitable content for children.What could go wrong?One episode raised eyebrows when it first aired two years ago on al Aqsa TV, featuring two young Palestinian children being shown a re-enactment of their mother's preparations for and execution of a suicide bombing.
The show was recently aired for the children of the bomber and other youths in a studio audience. (CNN)
...and nothing will happen to you. You see, they're out of money and can't afford to prosecute you or lock you up. So do whatever the hell you want!
Low-priority crimes like breaking and entering might not be prosecuted and the conviction rates will continue to decline if the proposed budget for the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office is approved, Prosecutor Kym Worthy told commissioners this morning.
“We can’t even cover our courtrooms anymore,” Worthy said in vehemently disagreeing with the $28-million general fund budget proposed for the prosecutor’s office by Wayne County Executive Robert Ficano. “At some point, if the budget continues to be cut, we’re going to have to start making decisions about what crimes we prosecute.” (Freep)
Detroit, the city run by the extreme left for decades. Similarly California, the far far left state in bankruptcy. Both gone straight to Hell.
Wonder what will happen now that the whole nation is run by this crowd? Garsh. Hard to tell!
...experts in the German Foreign Intelligence Service (Bundesnachrichtendienst, BND) have told the weekly, Hamburg-based news magazine stern. "If they want to, they will be able to set off a uranium bomb within six months,"...
The one has stated that their nuclear aspirations are "legitimate."
After all, if they want to wipe Israel off the face off the earth, that's their business. Who cares?

For those of us fighting for free speech on American airwaves, this is a major setback. The Broadcaster Freedom Amendment sponsored by Congressmen Greg Walden of Oregon and Mike Pence of Indiana has been defeated. The amendment would have prevented any form of the Fairness Doctrine from returning, including the new Fairness Doctrine disguised in localism rules and programming advisory boards for radio stations. (Brian Jennings)
Ask yourself....why, WHY would anyone vote against this?
I can only think of one possible reason.
Speak while you still can. From Sweetness and Light:
All Democrats present voted against allowing the amendment to the Financial Services Appropriations Bill, which funds the FCC, on a final vote of 7-4.
"The First Amendment is not a partisan issue. The preservation of freedom is the paramount duty of every elected Representative and should take precedence over partisan politics.
Finally.... a Republican tells the truth!
I’m tired of hiding it. Everybody knows anyway. So it’s time to come clean, just like the Klan hoods I’ve got spinning in the dryer as we speak. It’s time for the Neanderthal knuckle-dragging, open mouth-breathing, racist, sexist, Klan and Timothy McVeigh-loving Montana militia member gun nut conservative Republican religious zealot in me to be set free. Repression is a bitch, and so am I.Hilarious. Read it all at Big Hollywood!
The only place for you is on your knees, eternally begging forgiveness for the color of your skin.
Completely insane.
And now Maureen Dowd at the NYTimes has a hate-filled article about white men. Sweetness and Light comments:
...when was the last time we have seen such a vicious hatred for a group of law-abiding people ever expressed as commonly as it is today? And in such allegedly respectable media outlets such as the New York Times?As a thought experiment, let’s replace “white men” and “Republican” with “dirty Jews.” And let’s replace “Latina” and “Democrat” with “Aryan. ” (Adding in a few that are strongly implied.)
Then let’s see a little more of Ms. Dowd’s spittle-flecked screed:
Bret Prelutsky:
Not in my wildest nightmares would I have imagined that an American president would travel to countries we’ve bled and died to defend, and apologize for our arrogance. Neither would I have ever expected that the same man who casually dismissed our special relationship with England would curtsy to a Saudi prince; refer to a blood-thirsty Muslim cleric, the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, as the Supreme Leader; and butter up a Russian tyrant who cut his eye teeth working for the barbaric KGB.
After all that, I wasn’t the least bit surprised when Obama joined Hugo Chavez and the Castro brothers in demanding that Honduras allow dictator-wannabe Manuel Zelaya back in the country to resume his assault on democracy.
Obama’s groupies in and out of the media used to cry “Foul!” during the campaign whenever people would question the character of a man whose intimate circle included a corrupt Chicago lobbyist, an unrepentant domestic terrorist, a racist minister and a spouse who announced that America was a mean country. It seems that in the past several months, his circle has grown in size, but unfortunately not in character.
From Gateway Pundit:
One eyewitness estimates crowd more than a million, filling streets from Tehran University to Vali Square.God Bless them and keep them safe! And that is an entirely selfish sentiment. When the destruction of our nation is complete, I may need a free country to live in!

Yup. He's said we need to just buck up. Like he has:
His bucked-up foreign policy has signaled weakness to our detractors and encouraged aggression from those who would destroy us.
He bucked up our financial institutions by taking control of over 600 banks. He bucked up the automotive industry with at first his bail-outs with strings, and firing CEO’s, and placing stipulations, regulations and mandates on formerly private companies.
With his ‘cap-and-trade’ bill, he bucked up the energy industry by passing the largest tax hike in history… to further buck up the middle class.
He’s bucking us up with his racist, activist supreme court nominee, the not-so-wise affirmative action judge Sotomayor. He’s bucking up our economy by plunging us into an abyss of debt and raising taxes on those who build industry. He’s bucking up big business; he’s bucking up small business. In fact, the only faction not getting bucked up are the unions and government workers. The message seems clear: A) Join a union or B) Go to work for the government, or C) Do both…. or we’re going to buck you up.
But does the buck really stop there? I think there’s plenty more on the way. Thus far we still have freedom of speech, freedom of expression. But with a revised version of the Fairness Doctrine due to come down the pike to silence talk radio and regulate the Internet, the president and his brood will be sure to buck that up too. After all, it’s only been six months. Plenty of buck-up time still to go.
And we still have the 2nd Amendment in place. The right to keep and bear arms. But as anyone who follows history knows, hardcore socialists can’t wait to inflict all sorts of gun control, restrictions, registrations, and eventually, confiscations on its citizens.
It’s so much easier to control people when they cease to be citizens, and start being subjects. (Big Hollywood)
Buck up and be a happy slave!
Doctor Zero:
Very few Democrat politicians have ever run a business. Barack Obama certainly hasn’t. I doubt he would agree with the sentiments expressed in the previous paragraph. In his heart, like every socialist, he sees business owners as nothing but rich people driving around in fancy cars… and since the federal government is richer than any of them, it will be the best business owner ever. The truth of the matter is that deep pockets are the government’s sole advantage. It has no discipline, no entrepreneurial spirit, no reason to take its lumps when it makes a bad decision, and a very low threshold of pain. If Obama Insurance, Inc. loses money, the government will just give it more. When bondholders refuse to raise the limits on the government’s deficit card any further, it will simply seize more money from taxpayers, making duly “progressive” adjustments to soak the wealthiest of them. The government will not be the best insurance company ever. It will be the worst…. and the one thing its bad decisions can never force it to do is go out of business.Why are those 15 million people unemployed? For the most part, they’re looking for jobs, but no one will hire them. Companies very much want to hire more people, and expand – no business wishes to remain stagnant. The decision to refrain from hiring people is a tough one. Business owners don’t make it because they’re cruel and like to laugh at people in the unemployment lines. One of the reasons the economy is contracting is because money – the avatar of time, resources, and entrepreneurship – is being forced to go where it doesn’t want to go. Businesses that should fail are being propped up by reckless deficit spending. The shadow of titanic tax increases to come, including those needed to fund Obama’s adventure in health insurance, looms fearfully large on the horizon – and when money is frightened, it hides.
You may think, "well DUH!" but that would only be because you have too much common sense to be as scintillating intelligent as those with no experience of ever having done anything more than stroke themselves. Ya dumb hick.
They hate Sarah Palin for not being part of their club and for being so much less self-involved than they are.
World Net Daily has some other reasons:
- She is not a political animal.
- She doesn't play by the old rules.
- She has not been to the right parties.
- She doesn't bow down to party "insiders."
- She is a true outsider and unpredictable.
- She can't be counted on to cover for party members who are spending too much or doing too little.
- It is not her turn.
Let's be clear about one thing. Resigning as governor of Alaska was not a smart political move. She didn't do it for political reasons. She did it because it was in the best interest of her state. When is the last time a politician did something – on purpose– that was not in his or her best interest?
Yeah, gotta hate that. Real. Selfless. Kinda makes them look like the jerks they are.
They hate "Joe the Plumber" for asking the obvious question that they were to weak to ask.
Megan McCain:
“Joe the Plumber — you can quote me — is a dumbass. He should stick to plumbing.” (Hot Air)
This is contempt for average Americans, pure and simple, and it's not just on the left. Self-important twits clinging to the idea that they are so smart and sophisticated, like drowning rats to a piece of wood, is a revolting sight. They need to hit the road.
From CNSNews:
Vice President Joe Biden told people attending an AARP town hall meeting that unless the Democrat-supported health care plan becomes law the nation will go bankrupt and that the only way to avoid that fate is for the government to spend more money.If you're running out of money, the only way to save it is to spend it all. M'kay.
"To those who say that our economic decisions 'have not produced jobs, have not produced and simply have not worked' I say, take a look around," Biden will say while visiting (Richmond). (Wapo)Apparantly people are dying to hear his words of wisdom:
Biden addressed a crowd of about 140 community college students and invited guests. (Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Well Cowboy Joe, I'm looking around but I'm seeing the opposite of what yer tellin' me. Maybe if I were stoned on Chope and post-modern marxist philosophy....I dunno.....
Or maybe I'm just not as smart as those constantly telling us all how smart they are.
Or maybe I'm reasonably sane. That's prolly it. Sanity is so old-fashioned now!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
If only more people started seeing behind the huge scam these people have pulled on Americans of African descent since they had to give up their military wing, The Klan and began selling them the idea that treating them like slaves was the face of compassion!
...and consider this the next time some lefty starts goin' on about racist Republicans, from Teh Resistance:
There’s been some fuss about someone who posted racial comments about the Obamadaughters on Free Republic. And it’s passing curious that the leftist journalist who broke the story previous advocated that leftists spam right-wing sites with racial comments.
It’s not a credible story to those of us who’ve been reading right-leaning blogs for a long time, because we know overt racism is never tolerated, it smells of a left-wing set-up; like these two gay dudes who staged a media stunt by trespassing and then making out on LDS church property than throwing a hissy-fit when asked to take their PDA elsewhere.

An actual left-wing activist judge nominated by a Democrat president... will hug and kiss the Constitution like it was Suzy Kolber, loudly proclaiming that it is their life’s mission to protect the letter and meaning, executing justice without regard to race or creed. Guns? Got 7 myself! Creating laws out of whole cloth? Bad! Bad! Not me, brother!You see, they don’t tap-dance to avoid admitting their activist ways. They just lie. They deny what they know is true. They tell big, fat, honking lies. All in order to secure the grudging indulgence of Republicans who know the nominee is lying like Joe Biden. It’s a curious sport, but there it is.
Sonia Sotomayor’s lies are particularly amusing because she has a lengthy and public history of indiscreetly and happily blathering about her activist viewpoints to anybody that would listen. And they are most particularly shameful because her self-portrait could only be that grand if she actually knew what her actual duty to the Constitution was. She clearly knows.
Teh Resistance runs it down:
She’s lying when she says she only cares about following the law.
She’s lying when she says she does not intend to set policy from the bench.
She’s lying when she says she racial considerations don’t influence her decisions.
She’s lying when she says she won’t use international law to subvert American law.
Even a liberal law professor admits that Sotomayor is lying.