Monday, January 12, 2009


Some revealing quotes from The One from an article in Political Punch:

"values don’t just belong to individuals, they are also collective. Children are exposed to the values around them, and if they come to believe that the lives of their parents and their community cannot be rewarded, if their schools and homes are crumbling, how can they come to believe in their own values when they don’t have any to begin with? My priority is to return social values to public debate, because we are all one big family, transcending racial or class differences. We have obligations and responsibilities towards one another."

(now remember: to call him socialist is....RACIST!) Wonder if he was talking about his half brother that lives near starvation in Kenya or his illegal immigrant aunt here on welfare? Guess what he means is that the government needs to take care of other people, not individuals. His hands would get too dirty to be able to toss his arugula salad, I guess. And spoken like a true boundries-what-boundries liberal, he waxes poetic about he and his wife's intimate times:

"Sometimes, when we’re lying together," he says, "I look at her and I feel dizzy with the realization that here is another distinct person from me, who has memories, origins, thoughts, feelings that are different from my own.

No kidding. It must be very strange for him to have to think of anything or anyone existing outside of reference to himself. But I appreciate the Jerry Springer moment. Needed to know all about your love life, dude. Thanks.

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