Saturday, January 24, 2009


I know, I know, any thinking person that pays even cursory attention to the media knows it is indistinguishable from the media arm of the reign of The One. But still, the hatred of Chris Matthews astounds me. Speaking of Sarah Palin's upcoming book:

Matthews said: “If she can read, if she can write, she’ll make some money.”

Matthews repeated his suggestion that Palin could not write the book later in the show. “The question is who actually will write the Palin book,” he said. “The only politician I know who can write is Barack Obama.” (Politico)
Why would anyone watch this guy? Guess that's why his ratings are in the toilet. You would think they would fix the problem at that network. Instead, they keep digging a deeper hole. Kinda fits in with the whole suicide trend of the left. Cultural suicide, military suicide, media suicide. Chope!

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