Friday, January 30, 2009


Fresh from the Sewer of Phony on Hypocrisy Street, comes a new add to be aired in states that were foolish enough to vote Obamunist. "Are you with Obama or Rush?" it asks.

“Every Republican voted with Limbaugh — and against creating 4 million new American jobs. We can understand why a extreme partisan like Rush Limbaugh wants President Obama’s Jobs program to fail — but the members of Congress elected to represent the citizens in their districts? That’s another matter. Now the Obama plan goes to the Senate, and the question is: Will our Senator"—here the ad is tailored by state to name George Voinovich in Ohio, Arlen Specter in Pennsylvania, and John Ensign in Nevada—"side with Rush Limbaugh too?”

Brad Woodhouse, the Democratic strategist who is overseeing the ad campaign, said: “The House Republicans put their Senate colleagues in the crosshairs because they decided to play politics rather than do the right thing.” (Politico)

Got that? Not becoming a socialist is "partisan" and "playing politics."

The ad, however, has absolutely nothing to do with playing politics.

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