Friday, January 16, 2009


Excellent comments from a piece by Dr. Melissa Clouthier, at the Virginian!

they drove away their readers. They didn’t lose them; they actively drove them away, offended them, insulted them, kicked them down the stairs. They ignored, hell they scoffed at, decades of complaints from their readers, their customers, about reporting that was editorializing, and editorials which were partisan handouts. The newspapers treated the dissenters from orthodox modern American leftism as non-persons. The funny thing is, those non-persons happened to make up a huge chunk of that newspaper readership which might be described as “heavy-duty news consumers”. So when those non-persons saw that the internet and podcasting and citizen journalism provided much more of what they wanted (transparency of bias, objective reporting of facts) they left the newspapers in droves. And they’re still leaving.

Says the good Dr: "
It's as if I hired a receptionist whose role is to tell people who call me to go f**k themselves."

Exactly. Bye bye and good riddance.

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