Tuesday, January 27, 2009


It's on a Saudi tv station. The home of the 9-11 bombers and the number one promoter of radical madrases in the world, the terrorist indoctrination centers, deserve the honor. From My Way News, he said,

"My job to the Muslim world is to communicate that the Americans are not your enemy," Obama told the Saudi-owned, Dubai-based Al-Arabiya news channel.

Obama said the U.S. had made mistakes in the past but "that the same respect and partnership that America had with the Muslim world as recently as 20 or 30 years ago, there's no reason why we can't restore that."

Bush bent over backwards to reach out to so-called mainstream muslims. He called it "the religion of peace" (stop laughing!) and brought muslims with terrorist ties into the government as advisors. All of this foolish, but I guess he thought better to err on the side of inclusiveness. So there is nothing for Obambi to "restore."

And what's this "job to the Muslim world" crap? I thought his job was to the USA (or what's left of it)?

Right. My bad. We are no longer the USA, we are "citizens of the world." He's speaking for his constituents.


"What I told him is start by listening, because all too often the United States starts by dictating," Obama told the interviewer.

Said the wanna-be dictator. He's so soaked in Karl Marx that he can't see the country that his wife has never been proud of as anything but an evil empire bent on subjugating the rest of the world. I would not have been surprised to hear him continue, "we suck and I'm here to tell ya were gonna off ourselves. Like us now?"

Oh, and BTW, that "religion of peace" thing? Here's some perspective from Gateway Pundit:

In a 2006 Pew international survey a majority of Muslims believed that Arabs are not behind the 9-11 and millions believed that violent attacks against civilians were acceptable.

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