Thursday, September 02, 2010
They asked for 3000 troops to secure the border from people ILLEGALLY entering the country and to prevent drug lords from taking over more of AZ. What did they get? 30.
I can just hear the conversation: " 3000? Hehehehe! Knock off a couple zeros so they can feel the spit in their eyes!"
Yeah, 30.
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
From Moonbattery:
The Muslim center planned near the site of the World Trade Center attack could qualify for tax-free financing, a spokesman for City Comptroller John Liu said on Friday, and Liu is willing to consider approving the public subsidy.The Democratic comptroller's spokesman, Scott Sieber, said Liu supported the project.The reason this doesn't violate liberals' beloved "wall of separation" between the government and religion is that Islam is not a religion, but a satanic proto-fascist death cult. Nor is the mosque a house of worship; it is a flag planted in triumph amid the ashes of our dead.
Still think there's a wall of separation? I mean the one supposedly between the ruling elite left and Islamofascism.
Same hatred. Same goals.
Yeah, I don't see no kinda wall neither.
Oh wait. He was there to kill pro-life people. Not news. My bad. Move along, people.....nothing to see here......
From a list compiled at Right Wing News:
Obama's Speech: Now Is The Time We Must Honor Our Returning Troops By Transforming The Country Into Something They Wouldn't Recognize And Don't Want. -- Ace, Ace of Spades HQ
...In short, it was a pathetic mashup of schizophrenic campaign themes built up as an “Iraq speech” so the networks would carry it in full. The speech could be boiled down to “I love the troops. Cough. Iraq. Cough. Jobs, jobs, jobs. Hey, let’s go spend some more money!!!! Cough. Iraq. Cough. -- Erick Erickson, Redstate
...If you read this closely, what Obama is saying is that not only do we owe it to the troops to rally around his discredited and partisan economic agenda (“It’s our turn”), not only is it a test of our patriotism to sign on with his environmental and industrial planning schemes, but that doing so “must be our central mission as a people.”
I find everything about that offensive. -- Jonah Goldberg, The Corner
Why is it that this guy always sounds like a bloodless muppet when he's discussing things that would move a normal human being? Obama's supposed to be this great speaker, but here he was discussing what may very well be a pivotal moment of history, and he was plain old dull.
Speech Grade: D+. -- John Hawkins, Right Wing News
My reaction wasn't verbal. And it involved a toilet.
The One World Government. After all, as he has tirelessly said, "we are CITIZENS of the world."
Can't be a citizen without a government, can you? American bitches need to learn their PLACE!
So he has submitted a paper to the UN Human Rights Commission, the one chaired by low-lifes from
Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, China, and other paragons of human rights. Apparently, Kim Jong-Il and the DPRK were too busy to get named to the council. (Hot Air)
It complains of human rights violations due to Texas' new ILLEGAL immigration law. Never mind that they have no instances of anyone's human rights being violated. It was important that it be reviewed and censored by those who torture and kill gay people, stone women and engage in slavery and genocide. Because they are better than we are. Especially when some of us still believe in that old "national sovereignty" thing and the rule of opposed to the rule of rulers.
Stupid America!
Thought criminal Jan Brewer in Texas responded:
“The idea of our own American government submitting the duly enacted laws of a state of the United States to ‘review’ by the United Nations is internationalism run amok and unconstitutional,”Hahahahaha. First of all, what is this thing she calls a "state"? There are no "states," there is only THE State. And, please..... WHAT Constitution? We have CHANGE now! What a hater!
This ass-hat is arguing at Beck's rally that King was a Marxist, but could not come up with one instance of his calling for the re-distribution of wealth by The State. Pressed, his response was the same as mine always was: "you're an idiot. you're a racist."
To be fair, I don't blame him. It's terrifying to have to face the fact that everything you believe in, every bit of deluded, juvenile crap that you've made a corner stone of to prop up your wobbly ego, is nothing but bullshit.
Killed me, I can tell ya!
So lessee what the gov't media and the rest of the marxist left has to say about Beck's rally, shall we? From The Daily Caller:
“Conservative commentator Glenn Beck and tea party champion Sarah Palin appealed Saturday to a vast, predominantly white crowd on the National Mall to help restore traditional American values and honor Martin Luther King’s message.” — Associated Press“Attendees at the rally Saturday largely honored organizer requests that they not bring banners or political signs. Instead, the predominantly white crowd, many seated on folding chairs and accompanied by their children, wore t-shirts with slogans including ‘Got principles?’ and ‘Restoring Honor.’” — AFP
“Meanwhile, many in the predominantly white crowd bent over backward to insist that they are not racists and to note that the crowd was courteous, despite heat and density.” — James Hohmann, Politico
“Beck says he and his overwhelmingly white followers ‘are the inheritors and protectors of the civil- rights movement.’” — Ben Adler, Newsweek
“Though the audience at the event was overwhelmingly white, many of the speakers were African-American, including a woman who sang a song about unity.” — Brian Montopoli, CBS
“Claiming the legacy of the nation’s Founding Fathers and repeatedly evoking civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr., the speakers at the ‘Restoring Honor’ rally exhorted a vast and overwhelmingly white crowd to concentrate not on the history that has scarred the nation but instead on what makes it ‘good.’” — Philip Rucker & Carol Morello, Washington Post
“A relatively dense and overwhelmingly white crowd stretched from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial out past the Washington Monument.” — Mark Benjamin,
“The speaker list was diverse, including African Americans, Latinos and Native Americans; Jews and Christians; clergymen, military veterans and sports stars, including Albert Pujols of the St. Louis Cardinals. The crowd, however, was overwhelmingly white.” — Michael A. Memoli and Kim Geiger, LA Times
“Out in the overwhelmingly white audience… politics was everywhere, with Tea Party supporters describing the damage they envision for President Barack Obama’s Democrats in upcoming midterm elections in November.” — Mitch Potter, Toronto Star
Only race matters, not content. I enjoyed Beck showing the clip of race-huckster Al Sharpton agreeing with him that it would be good to unite people under the banner of faith, hope and charity. Beck did it, and what did Sharpton do? Held a counter protest rally. More and more the desperate left is showing their true, pardon me....colors. They are showing themsleves to be the totalitarian, lyin-ass fools that they are.
Sally Zelikovsky has a great piece at American Thinker about King and the tea party and their shared opposition to enslavement.
Of course, opposing slavery is.....RACIST!

What a priceless symbol of His Royal Majesty's reign of incompetence and perk-gathering!
Tammy Bruce says it best:
I do have a question, why is Michelle Antoinette ducking? And lastly, what the hell is wrong with these people?!
More news from the wandering Dumb Bastard, indicating the Great Communicator is actually a Whining, Incompetent, Misanthropic Cry-Baby:
Politico: Obama blasts lies, disinformation
Restoring Honor Rally? What Restoring Honor Rally?He seemed intent on casting himself as above the political fray, saying he had more important work to do than to engage in the back and forth of the political “silly season.” For example, Obama said he did not watch any of Fox News Channel host Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally Saturday on the National Mall.
Oppose this dorky, incompetent boob? You're just being "silly"
Or maybe "playing political games." That's what Gibbs told Gretchen Carlson on Fox when she pressed him for refusing to answer a simple question. I know it's kinda hard to remember, but this here is a lil' something that we used to call "journalism." Carlson is AWESOME.
Questioning authority is a "silly political game." When questioned, laugh at the interviewer. When pressed, tell them THEY are the ones that need to answer questions. And above all, display a total contempt and dismissal of the public.
We are SO taking back the House as well as the Senate! Keep talkin' democlowns!

I guess that's not surprising seein as how RINO's are just "liberal lite."
Poor go-along-to-get-along-screw-the-people Murkowski lost to a tea party backed candidate.
Oh, the HUMANITY! To be trashed by some "stupid redneck racist!"
I have a feeling were going to see a lot more po' faces like this in November...
Go ballistic, become twisted with hate and wish decent people to die a horrible death.
You know, sorta like their natural allies do in radical Islam.
The most recent is John Cusack:
Ah, how well I remember! Unlike an adult ( or many children, for that matter), when your insane world view fails you, you re-evaluate it, grow and learn.
I never did that. I just became more hateful and indulged in thoughts of violence towards those "evil" people that showed me the truth. And then did another bong hit.
Friday, August 27, 2010
...there are. You'll just never see them in the MSM because they wouldn't condemn this country and so not serve the purposes of what was previously the Democratic Party.
But they exist. Like this fine man. And this one.
So different than America-hating radicals. Like Time Magazine.
From Moonbattery:
The Supreme Court's insane ruling that the EPA has authority to regulate CO2 emissions theoretically gives it control over literally all human activity, including breathing. Not even our constitutional right to bear arms escapes the reach of the unelected, unaccountable environazis of our horrifically metastasizing government's most malignant agency.The second amendment is only so much paper. What? You think it's more important than lead maybe possibly kinda sorta hurting something sometime say a little fish? You hate the earth! ....and you're racist, of course.The U.S. Supreme Court says Americans have an individual right to keep and bear arms. The EPA says the bullets for those guns may be banned as an environmental hazard.
The groundwork for a totalitarian state has been laid. But don't worry. It's for your own good.
No, its not a joke and it's backed up.
Read it at the Jerusalem Post.
Greg Gutfeld hits the nail on the head... with his powerful midget fists!
So AP writer Allen Breed begins his recent mosque piece by defining the word, “tolerance.” It’s a traditional rhetorical device, one learned back in sixth grade while plagiarizing the Encyclopedia Britannica.
His piece focuses on religion, of course, – but not Islam, Christianity or even my favorite, “the universal life force of the Grand Unicorn.”
His all powerful religion? Tolerance.
Of course, for him, tolerance can only play one way. As Yanks we must kneel before the alter of acceptance, while everyone else uses us as a footrest.I mean, I doubt Breed would MENTION tolerance to the mosque developers. Instead, true to the predictable mind grazing on hysterical cliches, he hearkens back to the witch trials – the most overused example of intolerance ever – and one that probably deserved it. I mean, witches suck.
Breed then quotes a reverend who says this is all due to a “dominant religious lens factor” – meaning, i guess, when one group thinks their religion is better than others.
He knows this, since he’s a wiccan minister, a practitioner of a cult populated by veiny spinsters with cats. I guess the writer wouldn’t find an imam tolerant enough to grant him an interview.
Or maybe he didn’t look.
After all, it would be a sign of intolerance to question the intolerant, especially when their intolerance is protected by tolerance!
Instead, focus on us. We’re nice people. We won’t kill you.
But look, intolerance is not the issue. Think about your pal who can have any girl he wants, but chooses to go after the girl dating you. There, tolerance, doesn’t enter the equation. Being a jerk, does.
And that’s what this is all about. Tolerance now serves as a condom for jerks seeking protection from their own jerkiness.
I’d use it myself, but they don’t make one in my size.
And if you disagree with me, you’re a racist homophobe who owes me thirty bucks.
The left, in a classic case of projection, is constantly accusing the right (which is actually the center) of inciting people to violence. Evidence? Nearly nil. All we have seen is those "violent" tea partiers getting beat up and bitten by union thugs. Their latest without-the-facts, hysterical outburst was about the passenger that knifed the Muslim cab driver. Headlines said things such as "Republican National Committee Slashes New York Muslim Cabbie" Unfortunately for them, it turns out the the attacker was a left wing loon. Shocker. I know. But even when nothing happens at all, they just invent it- the professor that hung a noose on her own door to prove racism, Twana Brawley's faked attack , the Duke non-rape case, and more recently tea party infiltrators with racist signs to "prove" the near non-existent racism of tea partiers (yeah, I know, the twisted "logic" makes my head hurt too). They get busted, called out, yet still continue. Don't tell me smokin' blunts has no bad effects!
What else have we heard from the left and their Glorious Leader the last few years? Ginning up racial divisions, the encouragement of eternal victim hood and the labeling of ANYONE that disagrees with ANY of their agenda, regardless as to whether or not it even tangentially touches race, as racist. "They're evil! They're racist! Kill them!" Or as His Majesty said, "get in their faces." Where I live that's called "getting up in my grill" and is an provocation to violence.
How many times have we seen posts on Huffpo, "news"paper articles or the talking heads of the government media publicly wish someone dead? I won't even link them. Swing a dead cat and you'll hit one (aw, ok...for a long list go here)
Well its having an effect. Gangs staging what they called "beat whitey" night at a state fair. Gunshots at a GOP office. A congressman equating the tea party with the KKK. A tea party group getting death threats. And that's just what is being reported today on Drudge! JUST TODAY.
Al Sharpton was on the tube the other night saying he's having a march to "confront" the rally Beck has organized for tomorrow in DC. This rally for honor and America is, according to him, "hijacking" King's legacy. Beck's a big 'ol racist because....well he just is. Forget about his recent 4 part series going through all the evil that white people did to the black man with slavery and the KKK. He's not Marxist, not a racist, so that makes him a racist (there's that headache again...).
Funny....speaking of the KKK, they and Sharpton have the same dream, so very opposite King's, of starting a race war. Of course NOW I read that his march is FOR King, not confrontation. Lil' different than what he said when he was seized by paroxysms of hatred during the interview.
This shouldn't be a surprise anyone. Marxists have never been shy about using divide and conquer, thuggery and mass murder to better help themselves "help" people to have the "better" world that they alone are uniquely qualified to plan and control. God be damned.
Der Messiah's good buddy, Bill Ayers, belonged to a group, the Weather Underground, that said perhaps as many as 25 MILLION Americans that weren't "re-educatable" would have to be killed when they came to power. A group that he stated just after 9-11 "should have done more."
He's a professor of education now, widely lauded and setting the policies that are being used on your children as we speak.
"Oh, but what about the Christians? They killed soooo many people!" Yes. They did. Over more than a thousand years they killed an infinitesimal fraction of the number of people killed by atheist, Marxist regimes in 50 years. Drop in the bucket. (for example, only about 2,000 people were executed for heresy in the 350 year Inquisition, while the atheist regimes of Hitler, Mao and Stalin alone killed more than 100 million people- check "What's So Great About Christianity" by D'Souza for the complete stats) But of course, Marxists can't be criticized. They only try to help. Christians, on the other hand, just want to stop you from having sex.... or something.
People that don't get this stuff make me feel more and more like they are living in the Matrix while I and others have escaped. Its creepy. The more reality clashes with their hell-bringing delusions, the more violent they become. I know. I was one of them for most of my life.
ALSO new today (vid at Gateway Pundit), Ed Schultz on MSNBC (you know, what used to be called a news station?):
Now lets all join hands, remember the summer of love and sing Kum By Ya in honor of this tireless worker for peace!Ed Schultz on FOX News: And you have no idea, in my bones, in my very soul! In my heart! I want to kick Fox’s ass! I want to drive them into the ground! I want to spike the ball! I want to kick ‘em in the teeth on the way back to the huddle! And then I want to turn around and lift my leg on ‘em! Because that’s all they’re worth! They lie. They cheat. They steal.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Good Lord. I saw Al "every-black-man-is-a-victim" Sharpton on Fox this morning all pissed off because a white man DARES to honor Martin Luther King as PART of a rally about honor. He's "hijacking" King. King wasn't an AMERICAN that died to make this country great and true to it's values. No. He was just a black man. And the non-white people at the march? They aren't really non-white. Because they aren't Marxist race hustlers like King, never mind.
Sharpton is holding a counter march. He never misses an opportunity to create and inflame racial tensions for his own benefit.
Lloyd Marcus, on the other hand is an American of African descent with self-respect, intelligence and honor, much like King. He says something else.
He says he's a Christian so he must be.
And he went to a heretical, racist, Marxist pretend Christian church for 20 years so he must be.
Please. I'm not saying he is or isn't. I'm just saying it's more than understandable and I believe he's having the kind of gleeful fun I used to have irritating "mommy and daddy", by making himself appear Muslim so he can thumb his nose to one of the many, many things he hates about our nation, Christians. Nyah, nyah, nyah nyah nyah!
Kyle-Anne Shiver has a few clues at American Thinker. Far from being stupid, people have been observant and thoughtful.
Monday, August 23, 2010
I know you must be shocked. It's here, and here's the audio.
At least he and Our Glorious Leader are agreed on this.
What a piece of human garbage (which one? both of them).
And YOUR tax money is being spent to send who OUR government calls a "moderate" on a fund raising trip to the mid-east to build the big glob of hocker he is planning to spit in our faces.
Friday, August 20, 2010
So Dr. Laura has been vilified for talking about the n-word in context of those who are ALLOWED to use the n-word. She wasn't calling anyone that. She wasn't saying it was an a-ok word. She was talking about its use by those allowed to use it.
I absolutely agree with and support her. Here's the audio:
Foolish Dr. Laura. We have two languages for two groups of people. Unity is death to the left. Keep people divided and they can be more effectively farmed to be used as tools for the marxist left's dream of complete control. Can't find real racism to point at? Then make it up to piss people off and feed the victimhood that has been drilled into them from day one through the schools and media. Wouldn't want any of the people on their liberal plantation gettin' all uppity and thinkin' they might be strong and good enough not to have to be on their knees for the nice white massah's help now, would we? The Democrats haven't changed a BIT since the days their armed wing, the KKK, was used to keep black folk in "their place." They've just gotten more effective.
Sarah Palin gets it (per usual) exactly right, here.
I don't use a word. I use the phrase, "people that call themselves n-word" when describing those who have so little self-respect and so much self-hatred that they call themselves that. Yer perfessors will tell you that they are just "reclaiming" the word and making it positive. Presto chango. Hundreds of years of malignant use MAGICALLY changed! They so POWERFUL!
Funny, too, that most of the same people that call themselves that treat others like they treat themselves and act like slaves. Guess you have to expect that. (yeah, I said "n-word" so I don't get kicked off here). Those Democrats sure are smart.
I thank God that all Americans, black, white or whatever are starting to wake the heck up.
Black conservative coalitions and websites are exploding as more and more people get sick of REAL white racism.
Given the absolute failure of the "it's Bush's fault" strategy to explain his (I'm sorry, it should have been capitalized, I mean "His") absolute failure, the president, I mean, Our Glorious Ruler, is changing his whine. NOW it congresses know, the one that licks his ass?
Story here.
And you thought a 10 year old couldn't be president!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
The racism in this line boggles the mind. Felon=black. WTF?!
But no, that's what the federal government is saying. And you might go to jail if you disagree.
From the EEOC:
There is no Federal law that clearly prohibits an employer from asking about arrest and conviction records. However, using such records as an absolute measure to prevent an individual from being hired could limit the employment opportunities of some protected groups and thus cannot be used in this way. (via Hot Air)Oh, so not just blacks. I guess Latinos as well. "Protected groups."
Some interesting questions have been brought up. If you have been convicted of having sex with little kids, does that mean you are being discriminated against if a day-care center won't hire you?
And Ed Morrissey at Hot Air brings up another good point:
...if truly unfair discrimination has become so rare that the EEOC has to attack reasonable and rational choices in hiring based on the actual record of the applicant, hasn’t the EEOC argued for its own dismantling?And doesn't the absolute failure of the teacher's union-dominated dept. of education argue for it's dismantling?
Snip, snip, snip. There's a whooooole lotta crap that needs chopped out of the Fed before we can get back to being a free nation and the states can get back to doing the jobs that the Fed repeatedly fails at.

I sometime have insomnia. I wake up around 3am and there's no getting back to sleep. But there's is a HUGE silver lining. 3am is when Greg Gutfeld's "Red Eye" is on, one of the funniest shows on the tube. I laugh till I cry.
A thoughtful man, he mused over the mosque being built by a man that is on record as wanting to institute sharia law (the law with the death penalty for being one of the gays) and having said that Osama Bin Laden was made in America. He mused on this scum-bag's statement that the mosque was being built to promote "building bridges" and "tolerance."
He decided that he wanted to build bridges too.
So he has ACTUALLY started plans to build an Islamic-themed gay bar next to the mosque (from The Daily Gut):
As an American, I believe they have every right to build the mosque - after all, if they buy the land and they follow the law - who can stop them?
Which is, why, in the spirit of outreach, I've decided to do the same thing.
I'm announcing tonight, that I am planning to build and open the first gay bar that caters not only to the west, but also Islamic gay men. To best express my sincere desire for dialogue, the bar will be situated next to the mosque Park51, in an available commercial space.
This is not a joke. I've already spoken to a number of investors, who have pledged their support in this bipartisan bid for understanding and tolerance.
As you know, the Muslim faith doesn't look kindly upon homosexuality, which is why I'm building this bar. It is an effort to break down barriers and reduce deadly homophobia in the Islamic world.
The goal, however, is not simply to open a typical gay bar, but one friendly to men of Islamic faith. An entire floor, for example, will feature non-alcoholic drinks, since booze is forbidden by the faith. The bar will be open all day and night, to accommodate men who would rather keep their sexuality under wraps - but still want to dance.
Bottom line: I hope that the mosque owners will be as open to the bar, as I am to the new mosque. After all, the belief driving them to open up their center near Ground Zero, is no different than mine.
My place, however, will have better music.
The dialogue continues:
Right now the working name of the bar is Heaven and Halal. It will be two floors - one serving Hallel food, and other other serving cocktails. There will be 72 of them. And they will be virgin.
So here's an update, since last night.
Now, I've scoped out some properties. And, I've received countless inquiries regarding investment, folks who have offered up to six figures. But because some of them were drunk, they may have placed the decimal point in the wrong place.
I also contacted the Cordoba House, the folks behind the mosque - but they have not returned my calls.
So I tweeted them.
Here's what they tweeted back.
You're free to open whatever you like. If you won't consider the sensibilities of Muslims, you're not going to build dialog....
its weird being educated in tolerance by an incredibly intolerant ideology. As long as gays and women are treated so poorly, how can they teach us compassion and generosity?
The grim left, predicably is out-raged (pun intended)"
...from Media Matters - home to lonely, middle-aged men who still write "FAIL" in their tweets.
Here's Simon Maloy, a senior associate master fellow emeritus:
Make no mistake -- Gutfeld's motives are offensive. He thinks the way to justify his own religious intolerance and that of his conservative cohorts is to mock Muslims and gay people.
Of course, he offers no evidence of said religious intolerance.
(seriously, Simon, dad had bigger dreams for you.)Anyway, when half-wits are half-right, does that make them a quarter- cretinous? Perhaps. But hey, they are correct that my Islamic gay bar is a provocation. But it wasn't directed at Muslims (for them, it's actually a sincere gesture).
It was a provocation toward ignorant cowards like Maloy who - rather than condemn real homophobia in the world, prefer to focus their wet, lefty whine on righties who are far more enlightened than they could ever be.
In fact, their accusations of Islamophobia are meant to hide their cowardice concerning gay rights. Think about it - I'm putting gay rights front and center, before an ideology that condemns homosexuality. No one on the left has the balls to do that. That's why I make them look pathetic.
So, why would they call me a bigot, yet remain silent when faced with a gay-hating ideology? Why would you side with those who would kill you - instead of a guy who just wants to open a gay bar?
Is it because, for them, politics means more than preservation?
Well, when my bar opens, maybe they can stop by and explain it to me. The first round is on me. Expect tiny umbrellas.

The city I unfortunately live in (please....someone get me a trailer and a job in Tennessee or Texas!) is rife with ironic "country" bands and hippies playing "bluegrass." They're saying, "Hey! Lookit me! I'm not some stupid hick, I hate everything they stand for, but I'm playin' their music!"
I went to check out one of the hottest of these bands of phonies and before the show I asked a musician I am acquainted with to please, please don't be ironic. He was completely befuddled. A few minutes later he asked how that could be possible.
It's why Nashville is becoming so reviled. Watch CMT and while, yes, there's some country there, there are hoards of dumb pop bimbos (female AND male), like fer instance, Sheryl Crow, who is,
against “giant cars” (like the 4×4 pickups and Hummers country artists love to drive), and calling Tea Partiers “ignorant” and “angry.” (AWR Hawkins at Big Hollywood)
You know her, she's the "country" singer that schooled us that we hate the earth if we wipe our asses with more than 2 sheets of TP.
Sure hate to be the one doing her laundry, tryin' to get those racing stripes outa her panties. Hey...wait minute! Wouldn't that take more detergent and thus further contribute to the destruction of the planet! Well, maybe she just leaves 'em there as a sign of her dedication...and her love of racing. She so pretty!
Check out her back-stage rider for another laugh.
Ima go listen to some Kevin Fowler now.....
John Hawkins, who runs Right Wing News, one of the the biggest conservative blogs out there, has signed on as a sponsor for HomoCon, the upcoming gay conservative convention featuring an appearance by anther eeeevil gay-hater, Ann Coulter. Those bastards!
Even worse, he has invited J. Daniel Blatt of Gay Patriot to contribute to his site!
It's like Matthew Sheppard all over again. Oh the pain, the paaaaain!
As was pointed out in a link above, Ronald Reagan was entirely correct:
My eighty-percent friend is not my twenty-percent enemy.
It's why I have more in common with and get along better with straight conservatives than I do most gay people. There the percentages are reversed. Tell me, what makes more sense?
If you're still breathing it's pretty hard to miss the absolute contempt that Washington has for your opinions. Time and again, despite over-whelming opposition, they ram through congress what the over-whelming majority of the people are opposed to. Stoopid people.
Kinda pisses 'em off. If only they weren't so ignorant about what their betters know to be the best for them!
The left is moaning that this may cause Der Messiah to have only one term to complete his destruction. And it's all because you're to dang stupid.
Have you ever been hired by someone poor?
Do poor people create jobs?
Does it make sense to take away the money of "the rich" so that they don't grow their businesses and hire more people?
Ok, ok. Yes it does. If you want the entire population in slavery to the government.
Sadly for many, that is just fine. They'll still let you screw who you want and play Halo.
What else matters?
Remember, she's third in line to the president.
Such a Christian! Or should I say ____ian.
Key line about "the word": "fill it in with whatever you want." maybe "total Marxist domination"?
Notice she never says the words "Jesus" or "God."
Kinda hard to do when your playbook is Saul Alinskie's "Rules for Radicals," that was dedicated on the front page to Satan.
THIS is why NO ONE should ever feel they need drugs to experience a wacky, alternate "reality." We are all living in one that is more insane than the furthest acid trip.
Scary. Creepy. And yet.....don't forget to laugh:
We have heard about the DOJ document calling returning vets, state's right's supporters and others "potential terrorists" that need watched.
We have seen anyone opposed to total state power called racist.
Like all good Marxists, any opposition to their total power grab and destruction of America cannot be tolerated. For our own good, of course.
The latest in the long pattern is this from Nutsy Pelosi:
"There is no question there is a concerted effort to make this a political issue by some. And I join those who have called for looking into how is this opposition to the mosque being funded," (with audio, at WAPO)
In what's left of HER mind, she can't conceive of any true, grassroots sentiment. REAL grassroots sentiment is manufactured from the top down by what was once the Democratic party.
And of course, there is absolutely NO interest in finding out where Mr. 9-11-was-America's-fault is getting his funding to spit in the eyes of the families of those who died. No, our gov't is sending him overseas to get more funding and to gloat over how stupid and weak we are. They got be crackin' least between bouts of slappin' around evil, dirty women and killing gays.
That makes total sense. Both those in power now in DC and radical Islamicists hate this country and have contempt for those who disagree with their quest for total control.
Just like Russia's revolution at the turn of the century, the groups that desired destruction united to bring it about. Once they had it, then they fought amongst themselves for which had control. They were smart enough to know that the enemy of their enemy was their least until they got what they wanted. Then the killing amongst the former friends began.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Megan Kelly wipes the FLOOR with Kirsten Powers over the DOJ's "wavin sticks and talkin bout killin crackers in front of a polling place is no big deal" outrage. (if you're coming for CNN, you can see it here). At one point, her defense is that you're just thinking, "oooooo! scary black people."
LSD has NOTHING on the level of delusion caused by the brainwashing of people like this:
Ant the ironic think, is the Kirsten Powers has always been WAY more reasonable that the majority that runs her party....and be this incredibly deluded. It boggles the mind.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Predictably, the left, who have been the only ones using violence at tea parties, beating, punching and biting the fingers off of protesters, who are working to make us slaves through the power of the state, who rhapsodize over mass murderers like Che and Mao, are freaking out about this video.
Sad little people.

I am beyond disgusted. Pic and story is at Gay Patriot. They make RINOS look positively conservative and then this!? Har dee har har. They embrace a sexual slur thrown at decent Americans and then make a game out of it. How cool. How "edgy." Fits perfectly into the bar culture of "everything is illusion, nothing is real" where they can say they're republicans merely as another piece of drag to distinguish themselves as a lil' different and stand out. No substance. No reality. Same 'ol
As was pointed out in the comments of the story at GP
....their biggest financial supporter is an anti-capitalist (Tim Gill) whose Gill Foundation is part of the George Soros orbit.
Meanwhile, back here on earth, some truly amazing things have been going on.
GOProud has taken off as a real, conservative gay organization! They are getting enthusiastic backing by those on the advisory council, headed by Tammy Bruce:
Today, GOProud, the only national organization of gay conservatives and their allies, announced that conservative leader Grover Norquist, President of Americans for Tax Reform, and Fox News contributor Margaret Hoover are joining the GOProud Advisory Council. “Grover Norquist and Margaret Hoover are two of the most respected names in the conservative movement,” said Christopher Barron, Chairman of GOProud’s Board. “We are honored to have them as part of the GOProud team.”“GOProud is an important part of the conservative movement,” said Norquist. “I am proud to join GOProud’s Board of Advisors and to help in advancing their common-sense conservative agenda of limited government, lower taxes and individual liberty.”
Grover Norquist is one of the most important conservative leaders in the country. He is president of Americans for Tax Reform (ATR), a taxpayer advocacy group he founded in 1985 at President Reagan’s request. ATR is a coalition of taxpayer groups, individuals and businesses opposed to higher taxes at the federal, state and local levels. ATR organizes the Taxpayer Protection Pledge, which asks all candidates for federal and state office to commit themselves in writing to oppose all tax increases.
Margaret Hoover is a television and radio commentator on issues ranging from American politics to pop-culture. A Fox News Contributor, she has guest co-hosted The View on ABC, and has appeared on NBC, CBS, PBS and CNN.
In on-air appearances and speeches, she has become known as an advocate for reforming the Republican Party through renewed emphasis on the conservative principles of individual freedom, fiscal responsibility and strong national defense.
Ms. Hoover held a White House appointment in the Bush Administration where she served as the Associate Director in the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs. A veteran of two Presidential efforts, Ms. Hoover worked on President Bush’s re-election campaign and for Rudy Giuliani’s presidential bid.
From a different history and place, we now are seeing the growth of a truly conservative African-American conservative network as well. The incredible Kevin Jackson, of the Black Sphere and author of The Big Black Lie, is working with superstar Alphonzo Rachel on the Black Conservative Census to build an alternative to the pathetically Marxist NAACP.
All over, people are throwing off the shackles of the Liberal Plantation and their siren call of eternal victim-hood. When have we ever seen this before? These organizations are going gang busters but still need fed to grow. If you can, you may want to throw some money their way.
Just like all conservatives, they LOVE this nation and see themselves as Americans first and believe in our founding principles. They are not alone, and for the first time, they are giving good people of ALL "niches" support and a home where they will not be hated by those "kind and caring" leftists and their slobbering lie-eating lackeys that so enjoy their chains.
Time and again, the polls show the majority of Americans are not homophobic or racist. They don't have time for ignorant ass-hats.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis has established a hotline number, not for people to tip the government to employers breaking the law, but to act as an agent for illegals to make sure they get paid “fairly”... (Ed Morrissey)
Soooo.....K. If I were selling, let's say, crystal meth for a big time dealer and he wasn't treating me how I think I should be treated and taking too much of the profit, well, then maybe I can call the government to help me get my fair share!
Drug dealers of America, rejoice!
After all, they don't care about people breaking the law or nuthin! That would be, like, SO right-wing wacko! And racist. All they care about is that wealth is re-distributed according to the dictates of The State.
Break all the friggin' laws ya want! Who cares!? Do you honestly think that a regime whose political philosophy is based on thievery actually cares about law and order? (I mean, besides threats to their power from stuff like the free press n' such)
Is to laugh!

You may have heard about Sen. Kyle's statement that The One told him that he would not secure the border until he had amnesty for illegals. (vid link atHot Air)
Hardly surprising. Murder? Mayhem? Yawn. What matters is how we can USE this tragedy to get what we want!
Its the same with the gulf oil disaster. Instead of appointing people with expertise in engineering and etc. to his panel, he appointed far-left enviro-hacks with their green clothes and red hearts. (story at Gateway Pundit)
He could give a DAMN about those suffering along the coast. What matters is how can he USE this crisis to further his agenda. Might be the reason his response was so slow in coming. After all, planning another move towards the Glorious Revolution must be done carefully. Preferably after a couple bong hits.
When Princess Rahmbo said, "never let a good crisis go to waste" I didn't realize exactly how central that idea was to The One's regime. Guess we're findin' out, huh? Too bad they're having a harder time hiding their cynical un-concern for those suffering than they used to. Boys, boys, boys! It's like a crack-head hiding his habit. Sooner or later there's gonna be some yellow burn marks on those fingers giving it away!
Well the Messiah administration has responded:
Their denial supported his statement. Their inaction and oft-repeated assertion that they are doing so very, very much to secure the border, is transparently phony to all but the blind and supports his statement.This morning, a White House spokesman told ABC News that Kyl is lying. “The President didn’t say that and Senator Kyl knows it,” communications director Dan Pfeiffer told ABC. “There are more resources dedicated toward border security today than ever before, but, as the President has made clear, truly securing the border will require a comprehensive solution to our broken immigration system.”
Now, in an interview with KVOI radio in Arizona, Kyl says his account of the Oval Office conversation is accurate. “What I said occurred did occur,” Kyl said.
“One way you can verify the validity of what I said is that that’s exactly their position,” Kyl continued. “Some spokesman down at the White House said no, that isn’t what happened at all, and then proceeded to say we need comprehensive immigration reform to secure the border. That is their position, and all I was doing was explaining why, from a conversation with the president, why it appears that that’s their position.” (via Hot Air)
The arrogance of their confidence that the public is too stupid not to buy obvious falsehoods simply because they come from the deified president will be their un-doing.
And I'll love watching them fall. Buh buh!

For some reason ( I would guess providence) I have been running into conversations with self-described liberals where I will make a point, they will agree and then go on to spout conservative philosophy. This has happened 4 times in the last month or two.
The first time, after pointing out that what they were espousing were conservative ideals and seeing them brush it off and continue, I said, "you sound just like Sarah Palin." This, to a big, muscular, liberal, black lesbian that could snap me in two like a dried twig. She instantly ditched reason, flipped over to pure emotion mode and said, "I HATE Sarah Palin!!!" I told her that while that may be true, they both had the same things to say on the subject.
Her confused disorientation was like someone had just slipped her a mickey. The mind reeled. The world was no longer stable. She floundered like a clubbed baby seal. But then she shook it off, snapped out of it and went back to the warm, deluded community of community in Happy Gumdrop Land.
I was amused. So every time this has happened since, I've said the same thing and gotten the same reaction.
But it got me thinking. I'm starting to believe that there are a whole lot of self-professed liberals that will agree with a whole lot of conservative ideas, but will never vote for anyone but a liberal or change their identification.
Why? I think the number one reason is that conservatives aren't "cool" and everyone (at least in the city and who are under 30 or 40) wants to be cool. And hip. I believe another reason is that they have taken the lie that conservatives are mean, intolerant, and grimly eat poor people for breakfast after beating their wives and kicking the dog. Why wouldn't they? Schools, the MSM and Hollywood have been hammering that crap down their throats for decades now.
This is why I get so excited by people like Greg Gutfeld, S.E. Cupp, Steven Crowder and Zo, among others.
There's hipness. There's hilarity. There's modern urban cultural relevance. And most importantly, there is sanity and truth.
In addition, we are living through times where the nation at large is beginning to see the smiley face mask that covers the hatred and craving for control slip from the face of the radical (now mainstream) Marxist left for the first time.
Seems to me that a lot of people that cling to their liberal label and put ass-hats like Ol' Jugears into power will move to the center (formerly called the right) as it slips further and as the face time of the next generation of conservatives continues to increase.
Just look how the "pimp and ho" kicked ACORN's ass. It took a couple of 20 somethings to do it and it was hysterical.
It's darkest before dawn, but I'm beginning to see a thin ray of light.
And I'm laughing.
(but don't watch it if you're easily offended)
Apparently most people agree. From Big Hollywood:
Astonishingly, despite the witching-hour time slot, Red Eye has more viewers than any show on CNN, including its primetime lineup.
I just finished his "Bible of Un-Speakable Truths" and couldn't stop laughing.
More importantly, I read parts of it to my liberal neighbors and they couldn't stop laughing!
He's just done a trailer for it:
I bet Beck is laughing his ass off too.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
The horror! A woman verbally abuses a cop and then lays her hands on him and....are you ready for this? She is violently subdued! This after he bent over backwards to cool her out. The crowd around him were understandably supportive. Heh. Just kidding. They all stood around to document the hooooorrible police brutality with cell phones and cameras.
Why was this an example of horrible police brutality? Because the officer was white. The woman and the rest of the crown were black.
As we know, there are two standards for behavior in America now. Punch a cop and you are still a victim, if you're black. Hell, you can KILL someone and you're still a victim.
It's what kids have been taught by both black and white racists in schools and in the media for a couple decades now.
Thank God for the growing voice of dissent from Americans of all races who are beginning to speak out against racism no matter WHERE it comes from and WHO espouses it!
Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are NO different from David Duke and the KKK. They are ALL sick, evil freaks that hate this nation and everything it stands for. The fact that SOME of this crowd of deranged nutbags are embraced as "experts" by the media and given an unchallenged platform is a disgrace to every thing that Martin Luther King stood for.
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
From the brilliant, ground-breaking, undercover people at Breitbart:
On April 27, 2010, I got a job with the United States Census Bureau in New Jersey. With a hidden camera, I caught four Census supervisors encouraging enumerators to falsify information on their time sheets. Over the course of two days of training, I was paid for four hours of work I never did. I was told to take a 70 minute lunch break, was given an hour of travel time to drive 10 minutes, and was told to leave work at 3:30pm. I resigned prior to doing any data collection but confronted Census supervisors who assured me, "no one is going to be auditing that that level," and "nobody is going to be questioning it except for you."
To be fair, our government IS run by thieves, so we shouldn't be surprised.
Keep electing them.
OMG! I can't pay my bills! Waddamy gonna do? Hey! I know! I'm gonna go spend my rent money on sushi!
If you think this is stupid, it can only be because you are an ignorant redneck and don't understand the complexity of our problems. You're just simple-minded, dude. Not like these guys.

Why you so bigoted?
(image via Moonbattery)
The Thug-in-Chief, like Rahm Emmanual, "never lets a good crisis go to waste."
SOLVING the crisis is not what is important. It's how you can beat people down and gain more control.
Yes, the center (formerly called the right} has politicized the oil spill as well, but they pale in comparrison to our Marxist State.
"I don't sit around just talking to experts because this is a college seminar, we talk to these folks because they potentially have the best answers, so I know whose ass to kick." (Real Clear)
Sorta like his saying:
“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,”
"I want you to argue with them and get in their face,”
Sorta like his friend, comrade and old co-worker Bill Ayers did when he bombed the pentagon.
Thank God he's not a violent extremist like the Tea Partiers.
He just caaaares enough about people to destroy our nation and if his dreams come true, jail or kill those who oppose his enlightened benevolence. Just like every Marxist before him.
But it'll be different this time. Relax.
Really, the only difference between The One and Islamofascists is their means.
They both hate America, see it as evil and in need of transformation into something completely different than what it's foundational documents built is as.
They both want a one world government.
They both want TOTAL control.
The only difference is the means, and that one wants Mullahs to run it, the other wants members of the First Church of Fundamentalist Marxism to run it.
They both want a theocracy to rule.
No WONDER they love each other!
To wit:
"The conditions we are experiencing today need planning for new orders in the world and (our) cooperation and co-thinking for organizing the conditions," Ahmadinejad told reporters... (Fars News)
Jugears is busy destroying our national sovereignty, through the his support of open borders and working to make us subservient to "international" law through the corrupt, Marxist, UN.
and this story from Gateway Pundit:
The Obama White House is now siding with Hamas over Israel.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. That's why Der Messiah has consistently snubbed our friends and warmly greeted those that wish our death.
Anything else I could write would contain profanity so I'll stop now.
Tuesday, June 01, 2010

I turned on Fox this morning I didnt' hear this even from them:
The so-called peaceful leftists and Pro-Gaza activists who attacked the Israeli soldiers today with pipes, metal rods and chairs belong to a terrorist-linked organization. The International Humanitarian Fund (IHH), which plays a central role in organizing the Gaza Flotilla, is a Turkish humanitarian relief fund with a radical Islamic anti-Western orientation. The president of IHH (Bulent Yildirim) recruited “Jihad warriors” and transferred firearms, and explosives to Al Qaeda and other Islamic terrorists organizations. (Gateway Pundit)
You know why the left so hates Israel? Because they have the GALL to defend themselves and see the people who have declared war with them and who say over, and over, and OVER that they want to destroy them, as people that they are at war with. Unlike our current, enlightened, president who sees those that want to kill us as friends, and our friends as our enemies. It shows just how really smrt and cutting edge he is!
Well, that, and that fact the most of the left is just flat-out anti-Semitic.
But please, don't make any Nazi comparisons. That would be inflammatory and just unfair.
Oh, and BTW, again from Gateway:
Barack Obama’s close family friends, terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, and top campaign bundler Jodie Evans from Code Pink are top activists with the Gaza flotilla group that attacked the IDF today.
All I can think is that they hope and pray ( to what, I don't know) that we will have a devastating attack by the people we are inviting to do so, so that martial law can be imposed on a frightened populace to make the "fundamental transformation of America" final.
That would be the same Bill Ayers and the same code pink pictured above.