I am beyond disgusted. Pic and story is at Gay Patriot. They make RINOS look positively conservative and then this!? Har dee har har. They embrace a sexual slur thrown at decent Americans and then make a game out of it. How cool. How "edgy." Fits perfectly into the bar culture of "everything is illusion, nothing is real" where they can say they're republicans merely as another piece of drag to distinguish themselves as a lil' different and stand out. No substance. No reality. Same 'ol crap....er....logs.
As was pointed out in the comments of the story at GP
....their biggest financial supporter is an anti-capitalist (Tim Gill) whose Gill Foundation is part of the George Soros orbit.
Meanwhile, back here on earth, some truly amazing things have been going on.
GOProud has taken off as a real, conservative gay organization! They are getting enthusiastic backing by those on the advisory council, headed by Tammy Bruce:
Today, GOProud, the only national organization of gay conservatives and their allies, announced that conservative leader Grover Norquist, President of Americans for Tax Reform, and Fox News contributor Margaret Hoover are joining the GOProud Advisory Council. “Grover Norquist and Margaret Hoover are two of the most respected names in the conservative movement,” said Christopher Barron, Chairman of GOProud’s Board. “We are honored to have them as part of the GOProud team.”“GOProud is an important part of the conservative movement,” said Norquist. “I am proud to join GOProud’s Board of Advisors and to help in advancing their common-sense conservative agenda of limited government, lower taxes and individual liberty.”
Grover Norquist is one of the most important conservative leaders in the country. He is president of Americans for Tax Reform (ATR), a taxpayer advocacy group he founded in 1985 at President Reagan’s request. ATR is a coalition of taxpayer groups, individuals and businesses opposed to higher taxes at the federal, state and local levels. ATR organizes the Taxpayer Protection Pledge, which asks all candidates for federal and state office to commit themselves in writing to oppose all tax increases.
Margaret Hoover is a television and radio commentator on issues ranging from American politics to pop-culture. A Fox News Contributor, she has guest co-hosted The View on ABC, and has appeared on NBC, CBS, PBS and CNN.
In on-air appearances and speeches, she has become known as an advocate for reforming the Republican Party through renewed emphasis on the conservative principles of individual freedom, fiscal responsibility and strong national defense.
Ms. Hoover held a White House appointment in the Bush Administration where she served as the Associate Director in the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs. A veteran of two Presidential efforts, Ms. Hoover worked on President Bush’s re-election campaign and for Rudy Giuliani’s presidential bid.
From a different history and place, we now are seeing the growth of a truly conservative African-American conservative network as well. The incredible Kevin Jackson, of the Black Sphere and author of The Big Black Lie, is working with superstar Alphonzo Rachel on the Black Conservative Census to build an alternative to the pathetically Marxist NAACP.
All over, people are throwing off the shackles of the Liberal Plantation and their siren call of eternal victim-hood. When have we ever seen this before? These organizations are going gang busters but still need fed to grow. If you can, you may want to throw some money their way.
Just like all conservatives, they LOVE this nation and see themselves as Americans first and believe in our founding principles. They are not alone, and for the first time, they are giving good people of ALL "niches" support and a home where they will not be hated by those "kind and caring" leftists and their slobbering lie-eating lackeys that so enjoy their chains.
Time and again, the polls show the majority of Americans are not homophobic or racist. They don't have time for ignorant ass-hats.
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