Good God, I've watched people I love suffer because of not having health care. But look what we're gonna get from The Obamunist (from American Thinker):
"comparative effectiveness" for one:
For those that don't speak draconian, "comparative effectiveness" means that the cost of an individual's treatment will be divided by the number of years they are likely to benefit. If your treatment is too "costly" you will be thrown out with the bathwater. No country for old men.Look at Europe:
...government, not doctors, will decide who receives care and who doesn't, in essence, who lives and who dies.
A patient must formally request "no euthanasia" before simple outpatient surgery. In fact, involuntary euthanasia accounts for over 1,000 deaths in Holland annually. In addition, 8,000 people in Holland die every year because they are given intentional overdoses of pain medication, not to control pain, but to end life. In 60 percent of these cases, the patient did not give his or her consent to the action.Worth reading the whole thing.
Holland has a committee to decide who's expendable.
Sure our health care sucks, but in many things in life, we need to choose between what sucks less, not hell and utopia. I know, I know, but we were promised unicorns and rainbows! Sorry to tell you that you were lied to and used.
(found this via Conservative Black Woman)
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