Yes, I know there are muslims that are fine, good people, but they sure seem in short supply- especially when acting as spokesmen for moderate muslims. For instance:
The February 13 beheading of Aasiya Z. Hassan by her husband Muzzamil Hassan... This honor killing is particularly shocking because Hassan co-founded the Bridges TV network, which was created specifically to combat negative stereotypes of Muslims and to supposedly present Americans with an alternative “moderate” form of Islam.
...the individual chosen by the Muslim Alliance of North American (MANA) to respond to the “moderate” Buffalo beheading tragedy is Mauri Saalakhan, who reportedly has admitted to beating his own wife...
Observe the response to the Hassan incident by the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), which bills itself as the largest Islamic organization in the U.S. The open letter posted on its website fails to mention the breakout session on “And Beat Them Lightly …” at the 2006 ISNA National Convention...
In addition, Jamal Badawi, another member of the current ISNA board of directors and one of the most respected Islamic scholars in North America, openly advocates wife beating (in) an article published several years ago entitled (coincidentally) “Wife Beating”... (Pajamas Media)
To be fair, I would guess that one big reason many decent muslims don't speak out against this sick garbage is fear of being killed...and not without good reason, but I don't think it helps any for people to pretend that these "moderate" spokesmen are what they say they are.
But I forget. No culture is any better than any other and to criticize any aspect of another culture means that you're a hateful, xenophobic nazi. My bad.
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