...more and more the same as what is left of America in 2009: (AP)
A new document meant to help Missouri law enforcement agencies identify militia members or domestic terrorists has drawn criticism for some of the warning signs mentioned...
The Missouri Information Analysis Center (a division of the state police) has compiled an enemies list of warning signs for state police officers, signs that are supposed to help them determine potential terrorists. Such signs include Ron Paul bumper stickers, or "Right to Carry" handgun stickers (I have to wonder: does it include Support Your Local Police stickers, too?) and our friendly state troopers are warned to proceed with extreme caution against such radicals....
The state police are warned that Christians, "sovereign citizens", those opposed to abortion, tax revisionists, and anti-illegal immigrant advocates are potential would-be terrorists.
More info here.
To repeat:
Missouri police officers were given instructions to target Christians, pro-lifers, Ron Paulians, pro-Gun activists, etc. as potential terrorists.Wonder why gun stores are running out of ammo?
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