Emperor Misha from Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler tells him in an open letter:
In two short months, you have managed, through your stellar incompetence, to set back race relations by at least five decades and you have placed our economy in a place that it has not known for 7. You have reduced our international standing from the point where we, though envied far and wide, were feared and respected to the point where we are now nothing more than a banana republic that even the puniest of world powers have no trepidations about harassing, provoking and challenging our military anywhere they are to be found. You have reduced us from being the world’s sole remaining hyperpower to a laughing stock. All in two months.
But, most importantly, you have and are continuing to prove everything that the voting populace has ever thought about politicians: that you are venal, corrupt. self-centered and utterly useless in the great scheme of things.
You have achieved, in two months, what decades of hard work by us liberty-minded individuals have failed to do, which is to convince the general population that nothing coming out of the swamp of D.C. can possibly be good.
No wonder he was laughing like a loon during this recent interview!
(image via The People's Cube)
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