Saturday, February 07, 2009


Obamabi sure is thin skinned. How DARE anyone question His Oneness!?
In the face of all that he is doing to destroy this country, it give me a welcome break to be amused at his 'lil hissy fits. From Pajamas Media:

during the campaign, there were hints of the thin skin on criticism. He didn’t want Maureen Dowd commenting on his big ears. His “people” tried to silence radio and newspaper voices in Chicago who were negative towards him. He threw reporters from newspapers that didn’t endorse him off “Obama Air” in the waning days of the campaign. He called out Sean Hannity and the Fox News Channel. Interestingly enough, when the Pew Research Center looked at the coverage of the candidates in the general election, Fox News Channel had almost an even split of stories about each candidate — they were indeed balanced....

Finally, Obama’s feeble attempt to attack talk radio and his calling out Rush Limbaugh by name really shows it’s getting to him. Presidents are above that kind of fray and it comes with the job.

And then there was his, "I won." nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah! and his lil' fit over congress not IMMEADIATELY carrying out his will the other day.

This egg is cracking. It would be funny, but I think the smell of sufur from its rot will be kinda overwhelming.

(image via Say Anything)

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