Friday, February 27, 2009


"He did it, Mom! Not me! Waaaa!" Is there any juvenile trait that the left doesn't exhibit? Temper tantrums? Check. Irresponsibility? Check? Desire for Mommy and Daddy government to push them in a stroller? Check.

From Seth Swirsky at Big Hollywood:

When in doubt, what does the clearly in-over-his-head Obama, along with his media acolytes do? Change the subject to “George W. Bush” of course.

In his opening remarks at the economic summit on Monday, President Obama classlessly got in on the act when he accused President Bush of “casual dishonesty.” (This was before the head of his National Economic Council, Larry Summers, casually fell asleep).

Beware when leftists fail. That is when their truest emotion — anger — comes to the fore. It’s why we will likely see a Truth Commission, a Fairness Doctrine, higher taxes on the hated rich, caps on executive bonuses, any and all of it to give themselves meaning after it becomes abundantly clear that their savior is just a 47-year old man without much experience.

Don't hold your breath that ANY reality, no matter how harsh, will wake up these (out to be) committed Moonbats. Their failures are Bush's fault- forever! Blame Bush!

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