Friday, February 27, 2009


Forgive the multiple refs to Big Hollywood, but damn! they got some good people over there!
Check out Derek Broes:

Today, PC attacks are the foundation of the left’s approach to politics and policy. Examples are everywhere. If you didn’t vote for Obama you’re racist, if you oppose gay marriage you’re homophobic, and if you voted for Bush or McCain — according to Janeane Garofalo — you’re an anti-intellectual a**hole (and she said this in such an intellectual way, too).

This is where we have failed and where the left has succeeded. Conservatives ideas are simply branded as politically incorrect and when we fear a backlash to speak up about Obama releasing a terrorist who killed American soldiers, we have not only lost all intellectual thinking, we have all but surrendered the US to whoever might want to destroy it.

The left also brands conservatives as idiots and have done such a good job that today Garofalo is seen as an intellect while Brit Hume is labelled a bible thumping, gun toting, war mongering idiot. Even the framers of our Constitution have been branded as irrelevant. Today, believing in and standing upon our Constitution is viewed as “out of touch.”

Have we all gone mad?

Stupidity is seen as smart, capitalism is a failed system regardless of it being the most successful in history, socialism is great even though it’s proven to fail every time, and Obama is a genius for doing the same thing Bush was hated for in building big government and massive spending.

So what is political correctness?

Political correctness is much more than simply being sensitive to those around us. In fact, it’s a Marxist strategy that sought to make Communism easier for free people to digest. The idea is to slowly make popular thinking unpopular and unpopular thinking popular. The scourge of PC destroys free speech which is okay with the left because they know that their goal of Socialism and then Communism can ultimately be accomplished through these means.

In their world It’s okay to be intolerant as long as you’re intolerant towards Christians, and it’s acceptable to hate as long as you’re hating conservatives. Dissent is patriotic when you’re protesting a Republican but you’re a radical, or worse, a racist radical) if you show dissent for Obama’s radical policies.

He is so correct. I no longer give a damn. Call me any hateful name you want. I will NOT be intimidated by this crap. You wanna believe I'm an inbred, racist, xenophobe? So be it. I've been on your side before, for much of my life. I know myself very well and have NOTHING to feel ashamed of. The shame I feel is for my left wing past. THAT was racist and hateful. It just wore a deranged smiley face while believing that up was down and black was white.

Screw the PC fascist left.


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with Derek. Thanks for posting. WOW! Where do I stay up to date on his stories? :-)

23eagle said...

I all know of is at Big Hollywood. Click his name for the link.

He's awesome, ain't he?