Saturday, February 21, 2009


Why is this a big deal? Well besides the obvious fact that this is the absolute worst time to begin imposing additional costs to business, there's this:

Carbon dioxide is an essential element of our atmosphere that plants need to live, and that is generated by all human activity, including breathing. There is no evidence that it causes the natural and inevitable process of climate fluctuation. But by pretending that it is harmful to the planet, the government has established that literally everything we do is bad and subject to suppressive legislation. The negative consequences for our economy — not to mention our liberty — could not be overstated.

Unless we revolt against the leftist lunatics who are imposing this bizarre new form of totalitarianism, America will soon be reduced to sub–Third World living standards. This might be a good time to look into immigrating to communist China — for the freedom to generate wealth. (Moonbattery)

Totalitarianism- its what global warming is all about. If not, why are they ignoring the huge ground-swell in science that has finally had the balls to come out and say that its been disproven? Because its a god-send for well-meaning leftist control freaks, thats why.

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