Thursday, February 19, 2009



Famous race-hustler Al Sharpton is up in arms over this cartoon from the NYPost. I was unaware that any depiction of a monkey in any context is inherently racist. Better get my ass to one of them there re-education camps, STAT! From The New Republic:

....obviously the point is that the stimulus bill could have been written by a monkey. The monkey doesn't look like Obama and is in no way suposed to represent him. And it incorporated violence because the monkey in the news story was, in fact, shot -- and the punchline depends on the monkey being dead and thus unavailable to write further legislation. Again, while it's a mediocre joke at best, Obama supporters shouldn't be looking for racial slights around every corner. So far there have been very few of them.

Well, at least they're not "cowards!" They bravely talk about race even when its not an issue!
(Small detail here: PELOSI wrote the damn Porkulus bill, not The Obamunist.)

Such courage! Much like they attack Christianity as evil while remaining silent on Islam, a religion with legions of followers that KILL critics. Brave Moonbats, BRAVE!

Now other Professional Victims are jumping on the insanity bandwagon:

"I'm outraged that they'd have the audacity to use this cartoon and not think that it would have an impact for people…how in the world do you have the audacity?" asked Hazel Dukes, President of the New York State NAACP and member of The National Board of Directors.

"It's kind of a vicious personal attack. The attacks are beginning. They obviously have a racist character, which is highly upsetting and disappointing," said Upper West Side resident Michael Skakum. (CBSTV)

Proof positive that no matter WHAT happens, HOW things are or even WHO the hell is president, there are plenty of people who will never give up their cherished victimhood status- even if to feel it they have to find it only the eerie recesses of their deranged minds. Its the golden ring of our society! Who would give THAT up?

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