Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Predictably, the left, who have been the only ones using violence at tea parties, beating, punching and biting the fingers off of protesters, who are working to make us slaves through the power of the state, who rhapsodize over mass murderers like Che and Mao, are freaking out about this video.
Sad little people.

I am beyond disgusted. Pic and story is at Gay Patriot. They make RINOS look positively conservative and then this!? Har dee har har. They embrace a sexual slur thrown at decent Americans and then make a game out of it. How cool. How "edgy." Fits perfectly into the bar culture of "everything is illusion, nothing is real" where they can say they're republicans merely as another piece of drag to distinguish themselves as a lil' different and stand out. No substance. No reality. Same 'ol crap....er....logs.
As was pointed out in the comments of the story at GP
....their biggest financial supporter is an anti-capitalist (Tim Gill) whose Gill Foundation is part of the George Soros orbit.
Meanwhile, back here on earth, some truly amazing things have been going on.
GOProud has taken off as a real, conservative gay organization! They are getting enthusiastic backing by those on the advisory council, headed by Tammy Bruce:
Today, GOProud, the only national organization of gay conservatives and their allies, announced that conservative leader Grover Norquist, President of Americans for Tax Reform, and Fox News contributor Margaret Hoover are joining the GOProud Advisory Council. “Grover Norquist and Margaret Hoover are two of the most respected names in the conservative movement,” said Christopher Barron, Chairman of GOProud’s Board. “We are honored to have them as part of the GOProud team.”“GOProud is an important part of the conservative movement,” said Norquist. “I am proud to join GOProud’s Board of Advisors and to help in advancing their common-sense conservative agenda of limited government, lower taxes and individual liberty.”
Grover Norquist is one of the most important conservative leaders in the country. He is president of Americans for Tax Reform (ATR), a taxpayer advocacy group he founded in 1985 at President Reagan’s request. ATR is a coalition of taxpayer groups, individuals and businesses opposed to higher taxes at the federal, state and local levels. ATR organizes the Taxpayer Protection Pledge, which asks all candidates for federal and state office to commit themselves in writing to oppose all tax increases.
Margaret Hoover is a television and radio commentator on issues ranging from American politics to pop-culture. A Fox News Contributor, she has guest co-hosted The View on ABC, and has appeared on NBC, CBS, PBS and CNN.
In on-air appearances and speeches, she has become known as an advocate for reforming the Republican Party through renewed emphasis on the conservative principles of individual freedom, fiscal responsibility and strong national defense.
Ms. Hoover held a White House appointment in the Bush Administration where she served as the Associate Director in the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs. A veteran of two Presidential efforts, Ms. Hoover worked on President Bush’s re-election campaign and for Rudy Giuliani’s presidential bid.
From a different history and place, we now are seeing the growth of a truly conservative African-American conservative network as well. The incredible Kevin Jackson, of the Black Sphere and author of The Big Black Lie, is working with superstar Alphonzo Rachel on the Black Conservative Census to build an alternative to the pathetically Marxist NAACP.
All over, people are throwing off the shackles of the Liberal Plantation and their siren call of eternal victim-hood. When have we ever seen this before? These organizations are going gang busters but still need fed to grow. If you can, you may want to throw some money their way.
Just like all conservatives, they LOVE this nation and see themselves as Americans first and believe in our founding principles. They are not alone, and for the first time, they are giving good people of ALL "niches" support and a home where they will not be hated by those "kind and caring" leftists and their slobbering lie-eating lackeys that so enjoy their chains.
Time and again, the polls show the majority of Americans are not homophobic or racist. They don't have time for ignorant ass-hats.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis has established a hotline number, not for people to tip the government to employers breaking the law, but to act as an agent for illegals to make sure they get paid “fairly”... (Ed Morrissey)
Soooo.....K. If I were selling, let's say, crystal meth for a big time dealer and he wasn't treating me how I think I should be treated and taking too much of the profit, well, then maybe I can call the government to help me get my fair share!
Drug dealers of America, rejoice!
After all, they don't care about people breaking the law or nuthin! That would be, like, SO right-wing wacko! And racist. All they care about is that wealth is re-distributed according to the dictates of The State.
Break all the friggin' laws ya want! Who cares!? Do you honestly think that a regime whose political philosophy is based on thievery actually cares about law and order? (I mean, besides threats to their power from stuff like the free press n' such)
Is to laugh!

You may have heard about Sen. Kyle's statement that The One told him that he would not secure the border until he had amnesty for illegals. (vid link atHot Air)
Hardly surprising. Murder? Mayhem? Yawn. What matters is how we can USE this tragedy to get what we want!
Its the same with the gulf oil disaster. Instead of appointing people with expertise in engineering and etc. to his panel, he appointed far-left enviro-hacks with their green clothes and red hearts. (story at Gateway Pundit)
He could give a DAMN about those suffering along the coast. What matters is how can he USE this crisis to further his agenda. Might be the reason his response was so slow in coming. After all, planning another move towards the Glorious Revolution must be done carefully. Preferably after a couple bong hits.
When Princess Rahmbo said, "never let a good crisis go to waste" I didn't realize exactly how central that idea was to The One's regime. Guess we're findin' out, huh? Too bad they're having a harder time hiding their cynical un-concern for those suffering than they used to. Boys, boys, boys! It's like a crack-head hiding his habit. Sooner or later there's gonna be some yellow burn marks on those fingers giving it away!
Well the Messiah administration has responded:
Their denial supported his statement. Their inaction and oft-repeated assertion that they are doing so very, very much to secure the border, is transparently phony to all but the blind and supports his statement.This morning, a White House spokesman told ABC News that Kyl is lying. “The President didn’t say that and Senator Kyl knows it,” communications director Dan Pfeiffer told ABC. “There are more resources dedicated toward border security today than ever before, but, as the President has made clear, truly securing the border will require a comprehensive solution to our broken immigration system.”
Now, in an interview with KVOI radio in Arizona, Kyl says his account of the Oval Office conversation is accurate. “What I said occurred did occur,” Kyl said.
“One way you can verify the validity of what I said is that that’s exactly their position,” Kyl continued. “Some spokesman down at the White House said no, that isn’t what happened at all, and then proceeded to say we need comprehensive immigration reform to secure the border. That is their position, and all I was doing was explaining why, from a conversation with the president, why it appears that that’s their position.” (via Hot Air)
The arrogance of their confidence that the public is too stupid not to buy obvious falsehoods simply because they come from the deified president will be their un-doing.
And I'll love watching them fall. Buh buh!

For some reason ( I would guess providence) I have been running into conversations with self-described liberals where I will make a point, they will agree and then go on to spout conservative philosophy. This has happened 4 times in the last month or two.
The first time, after pointing out that what they were espousing were conservative ideals and seeing them brush it off and continue, I said, "you sound just like Sarah Palin." This, to a big, muscular, liberal, black lesbian that could snap me in two like a dried twig. She instantly ditched reason, flipped over to pure emotion mode and said, "I HATE Sarah Palin!!!" I told her that while that may be true, they both had the same things to say on the subject.
Her confused disorientation was like someone had just slipped her a mickey. The mind reeled. The world was no longer stable. She floundered like a clubbed baby seal. But then she shook it off, snapped out of it and went back to the warm, deluded community of community in Happy Gumdrop Land.
I was amused. So every time this has happened since, I've said the same thing and gotten the same reaction.
But it got me thinking. I'm starting to believe that there are a whole lot of self-professed liberals that will agree with a whole lot of conservative ideas, but will never vote for anyone but a liberal or change their identification.
Why? I think the number one reason is that conservatives aren't "cool" and everyone (at least in the city and who are under 30 or 40) wants to be cool. And hip. I believe another reason is that they have taken the lie that conservatives are mean, intolerant, and grimly eat poor people for breakfast after beating their wives and kicking the dog. Why wouldn't they? Schools, the MSM and Hollywood have been hammering that crap down their throats for decades now.
This is why I get so excited by people like Greg Gutfeld, S.E. Cupp, Steven Crowder and Zo, among others.
There's hipness. There's hilarity. There's modern urban cultural relevance. And most importantly, there is sanity and truth.
In addition, we are living through times where the nation at large is beginning to see the smiley face mask that covers the hatred and craving for control slip from the face of the radical (now mainstream) Marxist left for the first time.
Seems to me that a lot of people that cling to their liberal label and put ass-hats like Ol' Jugears into power will move to the center (formerly called the right) as it slips further and as the face time of the next generation of conservatives continues to increase.
Just look how the "pimp and ho" kicked ACORN's ass. It took a couple of 20 somethings to do it and it was hysterical.
It's darkest before dawn, but I'm beginning to see a thin ray of light.
And I'm laughing.
(but don't watch it if you're easily offended)
Apparently most people agree. From Big Hollywood:
Astonishingly, despite the witching-hour time slot, Red Eye has more viewers than any show on CNN, including its primetime lineup.
I just finished his "Bible of Un-Speakable Truths" and couldn't stop laughing.
More importantly, I read parts of it to my liberal neighbors and they couldn't stop laughing!
He's just done a trailer for it:
I bet Beck is laughing his ass off too.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
The horror! A woman verbally abuses a cop and then lays her hands on him and....are you ready for this? She is violently subdued! This after he bent over backwards to cool her out. The crowd around him were understandably supportive. Heh. Just kidding. They all stood around to document the hooooorrible police brutality with cell phones and cameras.
Why was this an example of horrible police brutality? Because the officer was white. The woman and the rest of the crown were black.
As we know, there are two standards for behavior in America now. Punch a cop and you are still a victim, if you're black. Hell, you can KILL someone and you're still a victim.
It's what kids have been taught by both black and white racists in schools and in the media for a couple decades now.
Thank God for the growing voice of dissent from Americans of all races who are beginning to speak out against racism no matter WHERE it comes from and WHO espouses it!
Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are NO different from David Duke and the KKK. They are ALL sick, evil freaks that hate this nation and everything it stands for. The fact that SOME of this crowd of deranged nutbags are embraced as "experts" by the media and given an unchallenged platform is a disgrace to every thing that Martin Luther King stood for.
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
From the brilliant, ground-breaking, undercover people at Breitbart:
On April 27, 2010, I got a job with the United States Census Bureau in New Jersey. With a hidden camera, I caught four Census supervisors encouraging enumerators to falsify information on their time sheets. Over the course of two days of training, I was paid for four hours of work I never did. I was told to take a 70 minute lunch break, was given an hour of travel time to drive 10 minutes, and was told to leave work at 3:30pm. I resigned prior to doing any data collection but confronted Census supervisors who assured me, "no one is going to be auditing that that level," and "nobody is going to be questioning it except for you."
To be fair, our government IS run by thieves, so we shouldn't be surprised.
Keep electing them.
OMG! I can't pay my bills! Waddamy gonna do? Hey! I know! I'm gonna go spend my rent money on sushi!
If you think this is stupid, it can only be because you are an ignorant redneck and don't understand the complexity of our problems. You're just simple-minded, dude. Not like these guys.

Why you so bigoted?
(image via Moonbattery)
The Thug-in-Chief, like Rahm Emmanual, "never lets a good crisis go to waste."
SOLVING the crisis is not what is important. It's how you can beat people down and gain more control.
Yes, the center (formerly called the right} has politicized the oil spill as well, but they pale in comparrison to our Marxist State.
"I don't sit around just talking to experts because this is a college seminar, we talk to these folks because they potentially have the best answers, so I know whose ass to kick." (Real Clear)
Sorta like his saying:
“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,”
"I want you to argue with them and get in their face,”
Sorta like his friend, comrade and old co-worker Bill Ayers did when he bombed the pentagon.
Thank God he's not a violent extremist like the Tea Partiers.
He just caaaares enough about people to destroy our nation and if his dreams come true, jail or kill those who oppose his enlightened benevolence. Just like every Marxist before him.
But it'll be different this time. Relax.
Really, the only difference between The One and Islamofascists is their means.
They both hate America, see it as evil and in need of transformation into something completely different than what it's foundational documents built is as.
They both want a one world government.
They both want TOTAL control.
The only difference is the means, and that one wants Mullahs to run it, the other wants members of the First Church of Fundamentalist Marxism to run it.
They both want a theocracy to rule.
No WONDER they love each other!
To wit:
"The conditions we are experiencing today need planning for new orders in the world and (our) cooperation and co-thinking for organizing the conditions," Ahmadinejad told reporters... (Fars News)
Jugears is busy destroying our national sovereignty, through the his support of open borders and working to make us subservient to "international" law through the corrupt, Marxist, UN.
and this story from Gateway Pundit:
The Obama White House is now siding with Hamas over Israel.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. That's why Der Messiah has consistently snubbed our friends and warmly greeted those that wish our death.
Anything else I could write would contain profanity so I'll stop now.
Tuesday, June 01, 2010

I turned on Fox this morning I didnt' hear this even from them:
The so-called peaceful leftists and Pro-Gaza activists who attacked the Israeli soldiers today with pipes, metal rods and chairs belong to a terrorist-linked organization. The International Humanitarian Fund (IHH), which plays a central role in organizing the Gaza Flotilla, is a Turkish humanitarian relief fund with a radical Islamic anti-Western orientation. The president of IHH (Bulent Yildirim) recruited “Jihad warriors” and transferred firearms, and explosives to Al Qaeda and other Islamic terrorists organizations. (Gateway Pundit)
You know why the left so hates Israel? Because they have the GALL to defend themselves and see the people who have declared war with them and who say over, and over, and OVER that they want to destroy them, as people that they are at war with. Unlike our current, enlightened, president who sees those that want to kill us as friends, and our friends as our enemies. It shows just how really smrt and cutting edge he is!
Well, that, and that fact the most of the left is just flat-out anti-Semitic.
But please, don't make any Nazi comparisons. That would be inflammatory and just unfair.
Oh, and BTW, again from Gateway:
Barack Obama’s close family friends, terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, and top campaign bundler Jodie Evans from Code Pink are top activists with the Gaza flotilla group that attacked the IDF today.
All I can think is that they hope and pray ( to what, I don't know) that we will have a devastating attack by the people we are inviting to do so, so that martial law can be imposed on a frightened populace to make the "fundamental transformation of America" final.
That would be the same Bill Ayers and the same code pink pictured above.