Friday, February 27, 2009
But then again....we are living in Bizarro World now.
And what other collateral would they be able to give them for so much money? Do you think they'd do it just out of the goodness of their hearts?
From Hal Turner:
Beijing, China -- The United States of America has tendered to China a written agreement which grants to the People's Republic of China, an option to exercise Eminent Domain within the USA, as collateral for China's continued purchase of US Treasury Notes and existing US Currency reserves!
On February 11, Bloomberg Business News reported that China was seeking "guarantees" for its US Government debt (Story Here), and it now appears they got it. Well placed senior sources at the US Embassy in Beijing CONFIRM the formal written agreement was delivered by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during her recent trip to China.
This means that in the event the US Government defaults on its financial obligations to China, the Communist Government of China would be permitted to physically take -- inside the USA -- land, buildings, factories, perhaps even entire cities - to satisfy the financial obligations of the US government.
Keep your eyes open...
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano is pissed off because immigration raided a company and caught a bunch of illegal immigrants.
How DARE the laws be enforced!
From John Hawkins at Right Wing News:
Liberalism has gone so far over the rails that most of its famous practitioners should be officially designated as mentally ill -- and that includes people like Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, etc.
Their entire political philosophy is centered around making them feel good about themselves, not actually achieving anything. To a liberal, a policy that makes him feel good about himself, but that leads to millions of babies being born out of wedlock, thousands of Americans dying needlessly, of tens of millions of Americans losing their jobs is a good policy. That's not hyperbole. That's how people like Barack Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi view the world.
In a saner world, people like that would no more be allowed near positions of power than Michael Jackson would be allowed near a day care center.
No, I don't think he's being dramatic. It has gone that far over the edge.
Janeane Garofalo on CNN compared women who like Rush to Eva Braun loving Hitler and described Michael Steele as self-loathing and suffering from stockholm syndrome because he's a Republican. Disagree with their politics and you are the embodiment of evil. Garsh, wonder why they are so keen on eliminating free speech? THIS is the MSM.
Forgive the multiple refs to Big Hollywood, but damn! they got some good people over there!
Check out Derek Broes:
Today, PC attacks are the foundation of the left’s approach to politics and policy. Examples are everywhere. If you didn’t vote for Obama you’re racist, if you oppose gay marriage you’re homophobic, and if you voted for Bush or McCain — according to Janeane Garofalo — you’re an anti-intellectual a**hole (and she said this in such an intellectual way, too).This is where we have failed and where the left has succeeded. Conservatives ideas are simply branded as politically incorrect and when we fear a backlash to speak up about Obama releasing a terrorist who killed American soldiers, we have not only lost all intellectual thinking, we have all but surrendered the US to whoever might want to destroy it.
The left also brands conservatives as idiots and have done such a good job that today Garofalo is seen as an intellect while Brit Hume is labelled a bible thumping, gun toting, war mongering idiot. Even the framers of our Constitution have been branded as irrelevant. Today, believing in and standing upon our Constitution is viewed as “out of touch.”
Have we all gone mad?
Stupidity is seen as smart, capitalism is a failed system regardless of it being the most successful in history, socialism is great even though it’s proven to fail every time, and Obama is a genius for doing the same thing Bush was hated for in building big government and massive spending.
So what is political correctness?
Political correctness is much more than simply being sensitive to those around us. In fact, it’s a Marxist strategy that sought to make Communism easier for free people to digest. The idea is to slowly make popular thinking unpopular and unpopular thinking popular. The scourge of PC destroys free speech which is okay with the left because they know that their goal of Socialism and then Communism can ultimately be accomplished through these means.
In their world It’s okay to be intolerant as long as you’re intolerant towards Christians, and it’s acceptable to hate as long as you’re hating conservatives. Dissent is patriotic when you’re protesting a Republican but you’re a radical, or worse, a racist radical) if you show dissent for Obama’s radical policies.
He is so correct. I no longer give a damn. Call me any hateful name you want. I will NOT be intimidated by this crap. You wanna believe I'm an inbred, racist, xenophobe? So be it. I've been on your side before, for much of my life. I know myself very well and have NOTHING to feel ashamed of. The shame I feel is for my left wing past. THAT was racist and hateful. It just wore a deranged smiley face while believing that up was down and black was white.
Screw the PC fascist left.
To see how these nuts operate, check his story of what has happened since he did this video, at Big Hollywood.
"He did it, Mom! Not me! Waaaa!" Is there any juvenile trait that the left doesn't exhibit? Temper tantrums? Check. Irresponsibility? Check? Desire for Mommy and Daddy government to push them in a stroller? Check.
From Seth Swirsky at Big Hollywood:
When in doubt, what does the clearly in-over-his-head Obama, along with his media acolytes do? Change the subject to “George W. Bush” of course.
...In his opening remarks at the economic summit on Monday, President Obama classlessly got in on the act when he accused President Bush of “casual dishonesty.” (This was before the head of his National Economic Council, Larry Summers, casually fell asleep).
Beware when leftists fail. That is when their truest emotion — anger — comes to the fore. It’s why we will likely see a Truth Commission, a Fairness Doctrine, higher taxes on the hated rich, caps on executive bonuses, any and all of it to give themselves meaning after it becomes abundantly clear that their savior is just a 47-year old man without much experience.
Don't hold your breath that ANY reality, no matter how harsh, will wake up these (out to be) committed Moonbats. Their failures are Bush's fault- forever! Blame Bush!
...you must be a republican. Leftist lunacy is mainstream now. You don't wanna be a clone, do you? Neither did Johnny Ramone!
From Reason:
Yesterday, researchers at the University of Virginia took an in-depth look at just where foreclosures are happening. It turns out that 87 percent of
National housing price declines and foreclosures have not been as severe as some analyses have indicated, and they are not as important as financial manipulations in bringing on the global recession, according to a new analysis of foreclosures in 50 states, 35 metropolitan areas and 236 counties by University of Virginia professor William Lucy and graduate student Jeff Herlitz.foreclosureshousing value loss is taking place in just four states--California, Florida, Arizona and Nevada. According the press release describing the study:
But don't let that stop everyone for supporting the government takeover of the economy. Bring on more "financial manipulations"!
We voted for communism, that's what we should get! Chope NOW!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
There are even some liberals now, who are waking up to who Obama is! I'm glad to get some hope, as opposed to the usual chope!
Robert Scheer, from NPR of all people:
I don't think the idea of nationalizing, as it's now being called--which means bailing out these banks, setting them straight, then letting them go private again, which is the model that everybody is using, and the people who get screwed are the people whose retirement funds had common or preferred shares and they get wiped out, and these bankers come out richer than ever at the other end--that's not a leftist idea and it's not socialism. This is what we used to, in Comparative Economic Systems, call fascism. It's putting government at the service of the big financial interests. That's what happened in Italy, that's what happened in Germany, that's what happened in Japan. . . . (Hawblog)
NO FREAKIN' KIDDING! Welcome to planet earth! Maybe its because in his arrogance and narcissism he's feeling comfortable now to start taking off his mask.
I'm sorry, I just can't help myself. Have you read Liberal Fascism yet?
Because everyone knows, the left really does care and are too enlightened to...oh, never mind.
Liberal talk radio host Bill Malloyand his wife caught on film making racist comments about Bobby Jindal, governor of Louisiana and an American of Indian descent:
KATHY BAY MALLOY (50:34) in mocking East Indian voice: Hello, my name is Bobby, how may I give you excellent customer service today, I hear you are having problems with hard drive. I am so very sorry this is happening to you, ma'am (Mike Malloy laughs throughout)
Racist hatred is just fine when attacking the right. Good Lord, take a quick peak at Michelle Malkins comments! Slanty-eye gook whore seems to be the most popular.
(video link at Radio Equalizer)
From Gateway Pundit:
The Senate voted down the Fairness Doctrine that would silence conservative voices- 87-11.
But... Democrats passed the Durbin Amendment to restrict free speech- 57-41.
What was the Durbin Amendment?
"Durbin Amdt. No. 591; To encourage and promote diversity in communication media ownership, and to ensure that the public airwaves are used in the public interest."
Now WHO would be the ones deciding what is "in the public interest." And with the left constantly calling anyone who disagrees with their positions "hateful," "racist," and the best, "hurting the children," do you really think anything the right has to say will be "in the public interest?"
Free speech...going...going...
Surprise, surprise. Look. Better get 'em now while you still can.
How bout GIVING every taxpayer $25, 573.48 and see how THAT effects the economy.
But no. This isnt about helping the economy at all. Its about control.

The savior. The messiah. When in reality, he is pumping up the financial crisis and making it worse with his plans so as to be able to seize even more control over the economy.
Not only is he pouring out doom and gloom like diarrhea, He's doing things like this, in his new budget:
Obama introduced a cap and trade program today--
The plan may cost American companies billions of dollars and could result in the loss of 4 million jobs.
This is the same program that just collapsed in Europe.
You'd think the media might want to mention that? (Gateway)
All to solve a now proven to be non-existent global warming. Science be damned, as his good friend Rommel, I mean Rahm Emanuel, who will be the new White House chief of staff, said:
"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste."(real or not)
He continued: "Things that we postponed for too long, that were long-term, are now immediate and must be dealt with. This crisis provides the opportunity for us to do things that you could not do before." (Telegraph)
He's depicted as an angel, in reality he's totalitarian Marxist. I mean, just because all his friends and allies were, all through his career, who woulda thought? Shocker.
Monday, February 23, 2009
A student in ND started a "green bike" program where you could borrow a bike and return it.
From Say Anything:
Wanner says the project began last year with about three dozen bicycles, which are painted green. But he says there are only about 10 bikes left. He says most of the bikes were stolen, lost or ruined.
I am shocked that people would take advantage of property that wasn’t theirs like this. It almost seems like giving people things doesn’t actually inspire any sense of responsibility or community spirit.
Who would have thought that?
Jugears McMarxist just put JOE BIDEN in charge of all that money. Yes, the same Joe that couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag. Confederate Yankee asks:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the same Joe Biden that was viewed as being so incompetent that his own Democratic leadership never put him in a single leadership role in a 33-year Senate career that wasn't mandated by seniority?Redstate has another take:
... or it shows how important it is for your administration and your future to make sure that what is not going to be a universally beloved program six months from now - to put it mildly - is publicly linked with chains of unbreakable steel to, well, Joe Biden. However, I don’t think that you’ve made it clear enough that you don’t want to be tied to this sucker. May I suggest a moat filled with burning gasoline and maybe some apotropaic symbols burned into the walls?
Can one day please go by without The Obamessiah doing something destructive or stupid? Please?
A guy in Florida has a big RW&B sign saying this in his yard. And why not? Totalitarianism R Us.
But now the outrage:
he has surveillance video that shows a man and woman climbing over a fence. The couple heads right for a sign that reads "One Nation Under Obama." They paint over Obama and replace it with God.Heine owns the sign and isn’t too happy about what he caught on tape.
"To me it’s all about racism," said Heine.
Heine, who owns Rockin’ Cards and Gifts in Pinellas Park, put up his Obama sign a day before the inauguration. He says it was his way of showing his support for the new president.
"I thought one nation under Obama would create unity. Although there are only a few people who would rather see our president fail," said Heine.
(From Sweetness and Light)
Good for him for fightin' the haters...or sumthin.....
This is so increadibly revealing in so very many ways. LISTEN to this woman! Complete. Disconnect. From. Reality.
For instance, this is a nice part:
Bertha Lewis: Housing is a right.
Stuart Varney: It is not a right.
Bertha Lewis: Yes it is.
Stuart Varney: I’ve read the Bill of Rights, I’ve read the Constitution, no where does it say that housing is a right.
Bertha Lewis: Yes it is.
Stuart Varney: Can you show me? Which page? Which line?
Bertha Lewis: Well we have the right to the pursuit of happiness.
Stuart Varney: You have a right to a house? Where does it say that?
And remember, YOU paid for ACORN to do all this. And you will be paying more as they were included in the Porkulus bill. YOU are paying for this.

IMAGE WORTH REPEATING (via Barking Moonbat Early Warning System)
The Obamunist plan: soak the rich, tax investment, increase spending. What could go wrong?
Good Lord. Sharpton is asking the FCC to investigate the NYPost in his "outrage" over their publishing of the chimp cartoon. News today with,
members of the NAACP saying they believe the cartoon is an invitation to assassinate the President.It doesn't matter that the chimp cartoon was about the "stimulus" bill, NOT President Jackass and it doesn't matter that the "stimulus" bill was put together by PELOSI NOT THE OBAMUNIST.
All that matters is that people see hate and racism everywhere, all the time, even when it isn't there. Keeps the money flowing to those invested in it.
Kevin Ferris has this to say about the racial dialogue that the AG recently said Americans were to "cowardly" to have:
The country just elected its first black president. No other nation in the world has ever elected to its highest office a member of a racial minority that was subject to legal segregation just 50 years earlier.Yet this is a nation of cowards? Because average Americans aren't "comfortable enough with one another . . . to have frank conversations about the racial matters that continue to divide us"? Our historic actions apparently don't speak louder than our lack of words.
If Americans don't talk enough about race, it's because they've learned from long experience that such efforts are often futile. If no action is ever enough, how could words help? At the end of almost any dialogue, Americans know the refrain will remain: We still have a long way to go.
The implication is that we still have widespread, deep-seated racial hatred in this country. Not so. Actually, our remaining differences on race have little to do with legal barriers to equality or opportunity. The debate today is about the means of achieving racial parity, not the end itself.
Holder addressed one of those means, affirmative action, in his speech. He said there can be "very legitimate debate" on the issue - "nuanced, principled, and spirited." But too often, he said, the conversation is "simplistic and left to those on the extremes."
I'm guessing that the "extremes" include people who oppose race-based policies such as affirmative action. That was the view of the Clinton administration, which made much of its national dialogue on race, but whose distinguished commission included no one who had fundamental disagreements with the use of racial preferences.
In other words, let's have an "honest and open" dialogue on race, but don't bring up certain views, or you will be labeled an extremist - i.e., racist.
Exactly. Larrey Anderson has a great piece on WHAT exactly racism is to the left. Read and learn. You don't wanna be a coward, do you?
Saturday, February 21, 2009
During the 3:00PM EST hour of MSNBC news coverage, anchor Norah O’Donnell discovered the source of sexism in the Middle East was not Islamic fundamentalism, but rather, capitalism
Really. Check it out.
And to think that in the 60's people ate acid to have these types of experiences!
Maher ended his show with another stirring solution to the financial crisis: executing two random rich guys to set an example: "If we killed two random, rich greedy pigs; blew them up at halftime at next year’s Super Bowl. Or left them hanging on the big board at the New York Stock Exchange, you know, as a warning, with their balls in their mouths, I think it would really make everyone else sit up and take notice." (Newsbusters)
And no one is outraged by this kind of talk. What if it was someone on the right talking about the murdering those on the left?
Socialism. Yes, its a religion:
...Marx’s pseudo-scientific philosophical and sociological musings are so antithetical to common sense and basic human nature, that in order to believe them one must take a leap of faith far greater than any required for belief in a religious dogma....
Marx ... surely recognized that in order to get his magical notions widely embraced, people would have to give up their traditional ideas of religiosity, since it is difficult if not impossible to maintain a belief in two, utterly conflicting religious faiths at the same time. Tragically, the true believers who swallowed the toxic claptrap Marx advanced have brought far more misery and brutality into the world than all the fundamentalist religious faiths of history combined. Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot (to name a few of the most egregious examples), all held at their sociopolitical core the same pseudo-religious tenets that Marx proposed, and the staggering amount of death and torture those monsters precipitate dwarf, by several orders of magnitude, the suffering resultant from any religious beliefs. ( I know, some who are ignorant of history will object and say that Nazism and Fascism were Right-Wing movements. To them, I suggest they read Jonah Goldberg’s seminal book “Liberal Fascism” to learn the truth. The word Nazi was an acronym stemming from the German name for the National Socialist Party!)
-Big Hollywood: Endre Balogh
Gary Graham at Big Hollywood:
I don’t believe in Black History Month any more than I believe in White History Month. To me, Black History Month is a complete insult to Blacks. We must prop up an entire race of people, give them special awards, honors, and recognitions, underscoring their accomplishments and achievements and contributions to society, based on their color… as if it’s so truly remarkable that they did it in the first place…and are African American to boot? Stop the presses! A black person accomplished something great! As if they couldn’t have done it on their own, without help. As if they are somehow inferior to whites. That they somehow overcame their blackness…and did all these wonderful things despite the obvious disadvantage, encumbrance, disability…of being a person of color.
Am I the only one in America…who finds this the least bit patronizing and insulting…and downright, well, racist?
Regarding AG Eric Holder's assertion that Americans are cowards for not talking about race enough:
White guilt to a very large extent enabled a charming but inexperienced young socialist to assume the reins of the most powerful nation in the world. And still we are cowards because we don’t talk about race enough?Dude - are you off your meds??
This supports my assertion that no matter what whites come up with, no matter how many ‘adjustments’ or reparations, or consolations they offer, groveling grotesquely at the altar of Political Correctness for the race-baiters…it will never be enough. My severed head on a silver platter would not placate the sense of racial inequality, aggrieved victimization and indignant persecution Eric Holder and his ilk envision has been perpetrated against him and his constituency by myself and millions like me - people who just want to treat everyone fairly and get along.
The liberal M.O. has never been made more clear:
...the whole way liberals work is to redefine manners and morals in such a fashion that conservative common sense automatically becomes hateful. If you note that women and men are different, you’re misogynistic. If you denounce the destruction of marriage in black communities, you’re racist or moralistic. If you call for the defense of America against the world-wide Islamist menace, you’re a bigoted warmonger. If we take this garbage seriously even for an instant, we spend our whole lives playing catch-up, saying sorry, going on defense. (Pajamas Media)
The message is clear. Agree or you're hateful. How insecure do you have to be to operate this way? Does this insecurity have anything to do with their positions being indefensible?
Its exactly how I was for years and years. I could never win an argument with someone on the right because they used rational thought, I used merely emotion. So I would "win" by screaming "fascist!" and running away.
Kinda like a 2 year old.
The left is heating up and pushing harder for the anti-free speech "fairness doctrine."
As free speech is only for those that they agree with, they're dedicated to eventually killing talk radio and Fox. Even a small percentage of the media not being part of The Obamunist Propaganda Machine is too much to bear.
Think this is alarmist fear-mongering? The Anchoress will give you the run-down.
The irony is that for 8 years the left screamed that Bush was destroying the constitution when he wasn't. Now the left is doing it for real. For our own good, of course, because they care.
And if you disagree with him, it means that he is a self-hating fascist...or sumthin'.
Think what it might do if well-reasoned thinking catches on? What if there were actual diversity in the gay "community"? You know, sorta like the rainbow flag and stuff? What if rigid adherence to narrow gay doctrine as decreed by the gay Ayatollahs begins to be questioned? It could ruin everything! Somebody call Cher!
(Some good discussion on the you're-self-hating-if-you're-a-gay-republican BS over here, and here.
Why is this a big deal? Well besides the obvious fact that this is the absolute worst time to begin imposing additional costs to business, there's this:
Carbon dioxide is an essential element of our atmosphere that plants need to live, and that is generated by all human activity, including breathing. There is no evidence that it causes the natural and inevitable process of climate fluctuation. But by pretending that it is harmful to the planet, the government has established that literally everything we do is bad and subject to suppressive legislation. The negative consequences for our economy — not to mention our liberty — could not be overstated.
Unless we revolt against the leftist lunatics who are imposing this bizarre new form of totalitarianism, America will soon be reduced to sub–Third World living standards. This might be a good time to look into immigrating to communist China — for the freedom to generate wealth. (Moonbattery)
Totalitarianism- its what global warming is all about. If not, why are they ignoring the huge ground-swell in science that has finally had the balls to come out and say that its been disproven? Because its a god-send for well-meaning leftist control freaks, thats why.

...a little (ahem) hope, maybe? People are gettin' pissed off over paying for other people's bad decisions. Guess there's a lot of selfish haters out there, huh President Jugears? More here. (image from Six Meat Buffet)
They're training people to break into and seize foreclosed homes. Power to the people! Viva La Revolution! It is oppressive that someone who bought a home when not able to afford it, loses it.
It is a basic human right, doncha know. And if people who bought homes they could afford refuse to pay for those that can't, there is no alternative but to steal.
The kicker? YOU are paying ACORN to do this, thanks to the Porkulus Bill!
Look how well their socialization has worked! They're bankrupt. Matthew Kaminski compares them to France:
The French have long experienced the unintended consequences of a large public sector. Ask them about it. As the number of people who get money from government grows, so does the power of constituencies dedicated to keep this honey dripping. Even when voters recognize the model carries drawbacks, such as subpar growth, high taxes, an uncompetitive business climate and above-average unemployment, their elected leaders find it near impossible to tweak the system. This has been the story of France for decades, and lately of California.
California is in a French-like bind: unable to afford a welfare-type state, and unable to overhaul it. "The people say they want all these programs, then there's nothing they want to pay for," says Hector De La Torre, a Democratic assemblyman. "The schizophrenia in the legislature reflects the peoples'."
This is why the huge expansion of the state and entitlements and the return of welfare from the Porkulus bill is so troubling. Once we are reduced to dependent babies, we'll scream when someone tries to take away our pasey. Its a point of no return. We have become the USSA.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
So they won the election; now what? Three months later and almost a month into Obama's presidency, as the nation is beginning to rub its sore, swollen eyelids and finally trying to focus on reality, it looks in the mirror and, with a shock, notices a gigantic hammer and sickle tattooed on its forehead, which clearly wasn't there before.The bubbling euphoric pulp has solidified into a depressing pile of unpaid bills and warrants. The computer has turned into a shovel and the big-screen TV into a 1930s-style radio, with the disciplined voice of Dear Leader calling for unity and sacrifice in the face of mounting economic hardships. The only thing left unchanged is the Obama t-shirt with the magic word "change" on the chest.
Well San Fran is too and they're gonna DO something about it!
This will me prioritizing and keeping essential services like police, fire....
HA HA HA! Gotcha! Just kidding!
The commission wants to prioritize services for "the homeless over the housed" and "those whose first language is not English." (via Moonbattery)
From the Western Center for Journalism (apparently, there IS still such a thing!):
You won’t hear executives at MSNBC chanting “yes we can.” The network that they cobbled together as a TV version of the left-wing screed Air America is in the ratings dumper. Advertising dollars that have never been easy are getting thinner.
All they were ever about was hatred- of Bush and Republicans. Now,
If MSNBC and the rest of the left-stream media continue to attack George Bush and the Republicans, even though neither are in control of anything, their attacks will sound even more insipid. Partisan propaganda is putting the media on the path to irrelevance.
Best line of the article?
Americans are not stupid.
But to the left, they are. They need told what what to do, what to think and how to spend the money they earn. For their own good, of course.
Hilarious. From the Boston Herald:
a few years back...the Legislature passed a bill allowing the state’s pony-tailed, trust-funded liberals to voluntarily pay at the old 5.85 percent income tax rate, rather than at the reduced 5.3 percent rate.
...this new tax season more than 99.99 percent of the Beautiful People in Massachusetts are again refusing to do the right thing on their income tax returns and voluntarily pay at the old, higher rate.
All year long, the Hope and Change crowd sanctimoniously lectures those of us who work for a living about how mean-spirited we are because we begrudge paying our “fair share” to help the layabouts who have “fallen through the cracks.” But strangely, every year, when all they need to do is have the accountant check off a single box on their income-tax forms to solve the problems created by the Cheney presidency, the Yes-We-Can types adamantly refuse to part with a few extra bucks.
Taxes are for the little people, not the Beautiful People.
In other words, its just another day in Happy Gumdrop Land.
This bumper sticker got a guy pulled over by the cops and a visit from the FBI.
....this is what happens. It really sucks, I know, but human nature is made up of BOTH good and evil. It will always be that way, as we are all human.
Its not comforting like a bong hit, I know, but to live in this world, this fact must be accepted. I'm sorry.
For years, Dems and ACORN fought to make sure that everyone, regardless of resources, could buy a house. Because, you know, its a basic human right...or something. ACORN intimidated banks and lending institutions, opposition was, of course, labeled as racist (there's some more of that courageousness we're hearing about) and they got us to where we are today.
With Jugears' new housing bill, those who bought homes that they knew they couldnt afford, are rewarded. Those who live within their means- can suck it. You can't pay for your house? Here's some cash I stole from people that can! Keep up the good work!
He had this to say in his speech:
"... all of us must learn to live within our means again."
I'm DYIN' over here! lol.
...a totalitarian Marxist bent on destroying the US economy as fast as possible? It IS the best way to impose a Marxism and a new, total control and its not like he's unfamiliar with people that hate our country and system that embrace that philosophy. He allied himself with them for years. Where is the surprise? He's merely staying true to his roots.
Gateway Pundit: The Obama EPA Administration is going to regulate carbon dioxide emmissions due to some socialist junk science that insists it CO2 endangers public health.
The decision, which most likely would play out in stages over a period of months, would have a profound impact on transportation, manufacturing costs and how utilities generate power. (link)
Saddling manufacturing with additional costs right now is a good idea? In the name of a non-existant global warming that has been thoroughly debunked? But why? Good question. I believe the president's past has given us the answers. Think of any better ones?
But of course, it can't happen here.

Famous race-hustler Al Sharpton is up in arms over this cartoon from the NYPost. I was unaware that any depiction of a monkey in any context is inherently racist. Better get my ass to one of them there re-education camps, STAT! From The New Republic:
....obviously the point is that the stimulus bill could have been written by a monkey. The monkey doesn't look like Obama and is in no way suposed to represent him. And it incorporated violence because the monkey in the news story was, in fact, shot -- and the punchline depends on the monkey being dead and thus unavailable to write further legislation. Again, while it's a mediocre joke at best, Obama supporters shouldn't be looking for racial slights around every corner. So far there have been very few of them.Well, at least they're not "cowards!" They bravely talk about race even when its not an issue!
(Small detail here: PELOSI wrote the damn Porkulus bill, not The Obamunist.)
Such courage! Much like they attack Christianity as evil while remaining silent on Islam, a religion with legions of followers that KILL critics. Brave Moonbats, BRAVE!
Now other Professional Victims are jumping on the insanity bandwagon:
"I'm outraged that they'd have the audacity to use this cartoon and not think that it would have an impact for people…how in the world do you have the audacity?" asked Hazel Dukes, President of the New York State NAACP and member of The National Board of Directors.
"It's kind of a vicious personal attack. The attacks are beginning. They obviously have a racist character, which is highly upsetting and disappointing," said Upper West Side resident Michael Skakum. (CBSTV)
Proof positive that no matter WHAT happens, HOW things are or even WHO the hell is president, there are plenty of people who will never give up their cherished victimhood status- even if to feel it they have to find it only the eerie recesses of their deranged minds. Its the golden ring of our society! Who would give THAT up?
"Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards," said Holder, nation's first black attorney general.
Race issues continue to be a topic of political discussion, Holder said, but "we, as average Americans, simply do not talk enough with each other about race." (Breitbart)
No, we don't hear enough about race. It's merely the number one obsession of the MSM and the education system. But that's not enough.
Another example of the complete disconnect from reality that left operates from.
Monday, February 16, 2009
From Gay Patriot:
...in determining who should be allowed to speak out on issue of national concern, I prefer freedom to fairness. It boils don to who gets to determine what’s fair and what’s not.
Exactly. The other problem is what kept right wing radio off the air when the doctrine was in force. Economics. What station is going to risk being sued or harassed by the government for not being "fair"? Liberal talk radio consistently fails. What station is going to keep a failing show that spends but brings in no revenue, in order to have one that does?
The same problem with socialism as well. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need," said Mr. Marx. The question is, WHO decides that? Think about it.
The answer is people like The Obamunist, that crank the heat while telling others to sacrifice and lower it, that live like kings while they tell others that they are selfish to want to do the same with the money they worked hard for.
Read the story on the commemorative Obama coins.
From Newsbusters:
The complete intolerance of many on the left for diversity of opinion often goes beyond the mere wish to stifle the expression of opposing political viewpoints via the so-called "Fairness Doctrine" or by other means. Most recently there has been a disturbing new trend, voiced by those like Mike Malloy who called Republicans "domestic terrorists" and wants to prosecute them. So what was the reaction to Malloy's intolerance by his fellow leftwingers? Unfortunately, it was met by strong approval as one can see in this Democratic Underground thread titled, "Mike Malloy: The Republican Party Needs to be Eliminated." The posts on that thread go way beyond the mere castigation of Republicans and enter into the realm of primitive blood lust. Perhaps you will find it disturbing to read some of the psychotic posts but you ignore them at your own peril
But don't you dare say they hate America! Just because they are against free speech and disenting opinion....
So....... what was fascism again?
Former astronaut Harrison Schmitt has this to say about global warming:
"global warming scare is being used as a political tool to increase government control over American lives, incomes and decision making."
Carbon touches every aspect of our lives. Control that, you control everything. Its a liberal wet-dream, which is why, even now that the tide has turned and it's been debunked, they are still desperately clinging to it and becoming more shrill.
(For the hundredth time, have you read Liberal Fascism yet?)
In related news, hamburgers are killing the earth. You eat a burger, you hate the planet! How do you sleep at night!?
Sunday, February 15, 2009
From Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler:
So here we have the nation which vanquished communism racing headlong to socialism and state dependency, while the defeated communists embrace free market capitalism and warn us about the danger of the economic suicide we are committing. If 20 years ago you would have told me that the enemy I was prepared to fight would one day sound more like Reagan than our own president, and that we as a nation were embracing the very evil I was fighting against, I would have had you committed you to an asylum. Now all I can do is shake my head in disbelief. And load some more magazines.Now every day is backwards day!
Lindsey Graham says he's open to nationalizing the banks.
The Obama administration is suddenly "open" to squashing free speech with the "fairness doctrine"
Robert Rector, a prominent welfare researcher who was one of the architects of Clinton's 1996 reform bill, warned last week that Obama’s stimulus plan was a “welfare spendathon” that would amount to the largest one-year increase in government handouts in American history. (TimesOnline)
And people laughed at the youtube vid of the woman goin' on about Obama payin her bills for her.
Are you laughing now?
Again, "the largest one-year increase in government handouts in American history."
...the American public is largely unaware that the true deficit of the federal government already is measured in trillions of dollars, and in fact its $65.5 trillion in total obligations exceeds the gross domestic product of the world.
(World Net Daily)
Again, our debt exceeds the total GDP of the friggin' WORLD.
And here's what Jugears had to say while he was pushing the Porkulus Bill:
we've gotta get serious about living within our means instead of leaving debt for our children and grandchildren and our great-grandchildren." That's not the responsible way. (Gateway)
Can you IMAGINE a more complete disconnect from reality?! WTF!!!!
The One was frantic that the porkulus bill be passed before anyone had time to read it. It had to be done immeadiately or we would all go straight to Hell. No time to wait! Emergency.
The push to get the bill through before the holiday weekend was so frantic, members of Congress didn't have a chance to read all 1,071 pages of the document before they could vote. (NYP)
So now that it passed, what does he do?
After pushing Congress for weeks to hurry up and pass the massive $787 billion stimulus bill, President Obama promptly took off for a three-day holiday getaway.
So what could have been the reason for the big rush? To not give the opposition to all the pork and the socialization of what was once the USA a chance to gain steam. Reasoned discussion was not to be allowed.
It was gaining steam, people were opposing it in droves and with good reason.
But screw the people. What The Obamessiah wants, The Obamessiah gets.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
The Porkulus bill was passed without enough time for anyone to read it in its final form and find out what was actually in it. But that's ok. Emergency! Emergency! Just trust us.
How bout this fascinating lil' bit:
Yes, check the evidence at the Gateway link.
...they included whole undefined categories with hundreds of millions of dollars assigned to these mysterious pet projects.
Democrats just plopped down $1.6 billion for "Science" with no wording at all on where this money is going to be spent, who is going to spend it or what they are going to spend it on.
Democrats just voted to dump billions of taxpayer dollars on pet projects that are not even defined.
Do you suppose this might invite corruption?
Name one business that could get away with this. (Gateway)
Its 1.6 BILLION dollars for just "science," thats all.
Imagine the conversation,
"But your Messiahood, where will we get the money for your glorious new re-education camps?"
"We will be using technology in re-educating resistant capitalist pigs, and that's science, isn't it? Use the science budget!"
And beheads his wife.
Muzzammil Hassan was a community leader and a so called "moderate" Muslim. He was the founder and Chief Executive of Bridges TV a show started to help combat the negative perceptions of Islam and also to build bridges to the non-Muslim world.Lets all build those bridges and sing Kum Bye Ya, shall we? Then we will all love one another for ever and ever! It's become the Jugears Doctrine:
The officials said the new Obama administration of has decided to end sanctions against Iranian government agencies or companies that aid Teheran's missile and nuclear program. The officials said Israel has been informed of the new U.S. policy. (Gateway Pundit)
What could go wrong?
Friday, February 13, 2009
"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is three fold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."
Now that the domination of the media (barring talk radio and Fox- but they're workin on that) and our education system is complete, what things have come consistantly under attack?
Patriotism is derided as "flag-waving." A distorted history is taught, emphasising and inflating areas where America did not live up to its ideas, glossing completely over what is good and true. We are racist, sexist oppressive imperialists that dominate the world by force, enslaving everyone else. "America is evil" is the point made over and over and over. The only justified show of love for your country is to work towards its destruction.
Morality? (cough, cough) That's just being uptight and oppressive. 'Nuff said.
And spiritual life? Christianity, the religion of the founders, the trunk that we sprang from, is taught as evil. Anymore, Christianity = Fundamentalist Theocracy bent on burning gays and beating women. And don't even talk to me about the shopping cart spirituality of "Im not religious, I'm spiritual." Very convenient way to pick and choose bits and pieces of religions to justify anything you want to do, but it is not what the quoted author was speaking of.
The examples of all this are legion, as you can find even by looking back through these postings.
So patriotism is attacked, morality barely merits mention anywhere anymore and Christianity, the religion of 90% of the country, is attacked.
Who did the above quote come from? Stalin.
Bill Ayers and his friends were no idiots. They learned what they needed to do to destroy this country and they did it.
An academic experiment was done to show just how hateful, xenophobic and racist Americans really are. 'Specially them white trash southern slack jaws. Every well-educated liberal knows that. Its beyond debate, its a given and anyone that questions this assumption in liberal circles is laughed at or views suspiciously as a nazi or something.
So what did they find when a woman runs around Alabama in a traditional black abaya?
"I expected people to say, 'What is this terrorist doing here? We don't want your kind here,' " said Woldt, a 22-year-old blue-eyed Catholic, recalling her anticipation before stepping into a local barbecue joint. "I thought I wouldn't even be served."Instead, Woldt's experiment in social anthropology opened her own eyes. Apart from the initial glances reserved for any outsider who might venture through a small-town restaurant's doors, her experience was a pleasant one.
On her way to the bathroom, Woldt said, "One woman's jaw dropped, but then she smiled at me. ... That little smile just makes you feel so much better." (CNN)
That's cause all them dumb rednecks hate everybody. This is why I'd much rather talk to someone the elite call "dumb rednecks" than a black plastic rimmed glasses wearin arrogant idiot with a degree. The first is much more intelligent.
Bizarro World dispatch #6,589. From Tomorrow's Trust, a catholic education site, one complaintant stated:
Not only can such symbols be insulting to those who do not consider themselves Christians, it can be offensive to Christians as well.
They are determined to have these horrible symbols of Christianity removed from this Christian institution. Because, you know, Christianity is bad for Christians....or something like that.
Der Messiah has made no secret that he believes that we need to be like Europe and see ourselves as "citizens of the world" above being citizens of merely America. England is nearly dead, as even a cursory examination of stories coming out of that once great land abundantly show. Now, celebratin love of country is to be outlawed there. St. Georges day is like our fourth of July. From Mail Online:
England's biggest St George's Day parade is facing the axe after councillors said many of those attending it were racist.
For the last decade up to 15,000 have assembled in the town of West Bromwich under the slogan "Forever England, For Everyone."
Children and parents from all over the country parade through the Black Country town waving St George flags and marching to rousing anthems such as Jerusalem.
In a letter to the organisers, one councillor, Yvonne Davies, said the parade created an "unhealthy atmosphere" and inspired young boys to be racist.
She wrote: "It is not only the parade which is the problem, but the tribal excitement it creates."Yup. Loving your country inspires young boys to be racist.
Lefty Moonbats in universities all over the, now, USSA, have been frothing at the mouth at the thought of following in their footsteps. Rampant crime, hopelessness, the government providing up to 70% of the GNP, and hoards of angry, entitled babies never getting enough from the Nanny State is where those footstep lead.
But at least they are progressive and enlightened!
In a related note, they are full speed ahead with the highly-evolved "smart" style of foreign policy The One is embarking on. They are playing ads on Pakistani TV begging them please, please don't kill us.
As so many of us learned on the playground when kids- this strategy works WONDERS!
Since so few have the inclination or "time" to find any information besides what they are spoon-fed by The Obamunist's media arm, the MSM, I guess Nancy Pelosi is confident that this will fly. Hell, she could say the grass is purple with pink polka dots and it would fly with most. From her "fact sheet" on the socialization spending bill, as reported by Michelle Malkin:
“There are no earmarks or pet projects.”
Yes, that's the quote. Really.
Is there anything he didn't lie about? He is co-ordinating 527 media attacks on republican that dare to stand in the way of the destruction of America. From the story at Hot Air:
Obama and his aides want to attack Republicans while maintaining a false front of bipartisanship, a calculated and cynical attack mode that completely belies Obama’s platitudes about getting past partisan differences.
And they called our last president Bushitler.
Check it at Politico.
I spoke to someone last night who honestly and sincerely believed that the MSM is not liberal.
EVERY study has proven that, and if that weren't enough, their becoming the media arm of the Obama campaign this last year should be obvious to anyone not deaf, dumb and blind. If you ever wondered at the depths that delusion can sink, here ya go. And I was once there myself. Its like they're on Ketamine or something. Intake of all outside information is cut off and they are living in the world created in their minds. Its comforting, of course, inside Happy Gumdrop Land, but doncha think it's a lil' creepy?
Clinton joins at least two congressmen now, calling for the Orwellian named "fairness doctrine" to eliminate the few alternative sources of information on the radio and TV. Nothing but total control is "fair." Total control.
Please. Apparantly any one that disagrees with his policy decisions and not a member of the The Church of the One True Messiah, is at war with him personally. Story here at Hot Air. From the article:
When Republican Congressmen and Senators start calling for Obama to be impeached, like we have heard from their Democratic counterparts for almost the entire span of the Bush administration, then you can cry about a “war” on Obama. Dissent on policy is not war, gentlemen. It’s America.
Liberals did books and plays about killing Bush, paraded around with a gillotene beheading him and called him a Nazi.
Conservatives have some issues with turning America into a Totalitarian Socialist State, bringing about its destruction in opposition to the declaration of independence and the constitution.
For the most part, they are being a lot less upset by this than I think they should be.
And yet, this makes them "at war."