Saturday, August 08, 2009


I mean, judging from his past allies and mentors, what the hell else did anyone think he'd end up being than a narcissistic demagogue drunk with power dreaming of a totalitarian state?

The Anchoress:
Indeed, I find it breathtaking. The man is supposed to be the leader of the country, the president of ALL the people, not just the ones who agree with him, and he’s basically over half the nation to just shut up and fall in line.

...the president and his White House have been so irresponsible this week, what with their, “punch back twice as hard” nonsense (good going, there, chief) and so blatantly authoritarian with their “tell us about dissent in casual conversation” that I begin to wonder if we are not being deliberately baited by our president – if he is not trying to cause a commotion in his own country? Okay, I’m going to say it; he’s either the stupidest and most incompetent president, or the most tyrannically-disposed egoist, ever to hold the office. And, umm…I don’t think he’s stupid.

We’re redefining “arrogant,” here.

Kathryn Jean Lopez calls him the American Caesar (that is what “Czar” means, isn’t it?): “For Barack Obama, democracy appears to be a distraction.”

Neoneocon wonders: Is Obama drunk on power, and are sedition laws next? Well, it seems the president does not have tolerate dissent well, so who knows?

From the UK: Daniel Hannen says Are you Yanks out of your minds, subjecting yourselves to this when you are free people?

In France: They’re saying “America, Êtes-vous fou? zee healt’care eet iz bahnkrupting us!”

Yeah, and it’s only going to “insure” about 16 million more people.


Do you know why the Democrats are acting so unconcerned about the possibility of paying a price for ignoring their constituents? Why they do not fear retribution at the voting polls? Why they’re telling us to sit down and shut up? They’re about to become the third largest employer in the world and bosses don’t get fired by the workers. So, you just shut up...

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