Sunday, August 30, 2009


It doesn't matter if that makes sense. We do not need "sense" now that we have "change."

James Hudnall on The Color of Change's boycott of Beck because he dared suggest the president harbor racist sentiment (as was amply demonstrated by his vilifying a white cop for arresting a black man after admitting he didn't "have all the facts"):

The irony here is that a “race based pressure group” is attacking someone who said he is against what he suspects is racism in Obama’s agenda. In other words, a race based group is attacking someone speaking out against racism. Who’s the racist here?

The left accuses anyone who critiques Obama of being a racist, regardless of their actual motives or the content of their argument. But if someone does that against Obama, well, they must be banned!

The public sees through this farce.

What’s even more hilarious is Beck is a rabid non-partisan who complains about Republicans as much as he bashes Democrats. The focus of his shows is to stop the rampant Statism we’re seeing and the partisan politics of radicals. He wants to see American return to a common sense kind of middle ground where most people can agree to disagree. Beck, like many Americans, is disturbed by the radicalization of the public discourse and the fact that the mainstream press has become nothing more than a mouthpiece for an increasingly totalitarian state.

For daring to say he wants politicians to listen to the voters, for the insolence of questioning the motives of those in power (a very liberal thing to do), for exposing the mendacity and chicanery of the ruling class, the minions of the powers that be, the mindless bloggers and YouTube trolls are going ballistic trying to make him out to be a crazed fool.

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