Monday, August 24, 2009



The Obama White House is behind a cynical, coldly calculated political effort to erase the meaning of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks from the American psyche and convert Sept. 11 into a day of leftist celebration and statist idolatry....

With the help of the Obama administration, the coalition isis launching a public relations campaign under the radar of the mainstream media -- which remains almost uniformly terrified of criticizing the nation's first black president -- to try to change 9/11 from a day of reflection and remembrance to a day of activism, food banks, and community gardens.(American Spectator)

It's to be called the National Day of Service.

It's too "negative" to honor the dead and remember to stay vigilant. I mean, how exactly does that help the Marxist revolution? Geez!

Melissa Clouthier puts it well:

Islamofascists bent on destroying freedom, who hate Jews and Christians, and out of soul blotting envy murdered nearly 3,000 innocent Americans on 9/11 should be remembered for being soulless killers. Those lost to their evil should be remembered as individuals who lost their lives because they lived their lives as free men to the end.

September 11, 2001 was not a good day just as December 7, 1941 was not a good day.

It is a day that should pass as a warning and remembrance of evil unchecked. People should be mindful and continue to live. Out of respect for the dead, the day should not be trivialized, but that's exactly what President Obama seeks to do.
(in case you think this was all the Dems doing, its worth remembering that a big part of the Republican party is screwing things up too. Michelle Malkin reminds us: Only 14 Republicans in the Senate voted against the bill. )

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