Monday, August 24, 2009

Drill, baby, was something else....


First the NYTimes, quickly becoming the propaganda arm of the Islamofascist movement, revealed that interrogators scared mass murdering terrorists with a drill and the sound of a gunshot. Yes. I feel just horrible about that too. Those poor, poor men! And now, From Gateway Pundit:

The radical Obama Justice Department has recommended reversing the Bush administration and reopening nearly a dozen prisoner-abuse cases!
Now we can get to the bottom of these awful threats and caterpillar torture against Al-Qaeda detainees!

Well he had to do something about his sinking poll numbers! He needed a distraction- national security be damned. So what if it increases the violence against our troops? They're all a bunch of baby-killing, racist idiots anyway, according to all his friends. I bet not ONE of them even knows what arugula is....ha ha ha! Stupid cavemen! "Goddamn America!"

What is puzzling though, is how such kind, compassionate friends of humanity could somehow forget to say anything about this:

In May 2007, The Smoking Gun published a series of torture drawings that were captured at an Al-Qaeda torture house in Iraq. Nine days after the images were released, neither ABC, CBS, NBC, The New York Times nor The Washington Post ran a story with photos of the shocking evidence of al-Qaeda’s barbarism. (Gateway)

Funny, that.

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